Now showing items 1-20 of 28

    • Cognition 

      Clark, M.; Schwanenflugel, P.; Everhart, V.; Bartini, M.; Marschark, Marc; Kelly, Ronald; Mousley, Keith; Ruiz-Vargas, J.; Cuevas, I.; Mayer, T.; Tinti, C.; Cornoldi, C.; Lukomski, J.; Parasnis, Ila; Samar, V.; Mandke, K.; Bettger, J.; Sathe, K.; Berent, Gerald; Demiralp, T.; Yordanova, J.; Kolev, B.; Ademoglu, A.; Devrim, M.; De Filippo, C.; Snell, K. (National Technical Institute for the Deaf: Department of Educational Resources, 2000)
      What characteristics distinguish learners who are deaf or hard of hearing from their hearing classmates? What factors or conditions increase a deaf person's access to school and employment? What factors contribute to a ...
    • Educational issues 

      Albertini, John; Lang, Harry; De Filippo, C.; Dagel, D.; Foster, Susan; McKee, Barbara; Barefoot, Sidney; Eilers-Crandall, Kathleen; Gustafson, M.; Egelston-Dodd, Judy; Himmelstein, J.; Kelly, Ronald; Mousley, Keith; Stinson, M.; Kavanagh, Firoza; Liu, Y.; Basile, Mary; Licata, C.; MacLeod-Gallinger, Janet; Long, Gary; Richardson, J.; Marschark, Marc; Monikowski, Christine; Winston, E.; Newell, William; Parasnis, Ila; Samar, V.; Berent, Gerald; Stefanich, G.; Norman, K.; Antia, S.; Whitmire, K.; Stone, J. (National Technical Institute for the Deaf: Department of Educational Resources, 2000)
      What characteristics distinguish learners who are deaf or hard of hearing from their hearing classmates? What factors or conditions increase a deaf person's access to school and employment? What factors contribute to a ...
    • Institute research 

      De Filippo, C.; Berent, Gerald; Foster, Susan; Long, Gary; McKee, Barbara; Stinson, M.; Dagel, D.; Barefoot, Sidney; Eilers-Crandall, Kathleen; Gustafson, M. (National Technical Institute for the Deaf: Department of Educational Resources, 2002)
    • Instructional Technology and Education of the Deaf: Supporting Learners, K- College: An International Symposium (2001) 

      Mumford, Bonnie; Lauria, Dino; Mineck, Edward; Berent, Gerald; Lang, Harry; DeCaro, James; Mallory, James; Reeves, June; Wallber, Josara; Finton, Ken; Elliot, Lisa; Gottermeier, Linda; Siple, Linda; Young, Marsha; DeCaro, Patricia; Kelly, Ronald; Paine, Robert; Stifter, Rosemary; Ting, Simon; Newell, William (2001-06)
    • Instructional Technology and Education of the Deaf: Supporting Learners, K- College: An International Symposium (2003) 

      National Technical Institute for the Deaf; Rochester Institute Of Technology; Nippon Foundation of Japan, The; PEN-International; Heschke, Corinne; Beil, Donald; MacKenzie, Douglas; Caccamise, Frank; Berent, Gerald; Poor, Geoffrey; Mallory, James; Sinclair, Jillian; Garlinghouse, Kathleen; Bryant, Linda; Elliot, Lisa; Gottermeier, Linda; Macko, Loriann; Pelz, Myra; Billies, Pat; DeCaro, Patricia; Durr, Patricia; Grcevic, Paula; Toscano, Rose; Robinson, Vicki (2003-06)
    • Instructional Technology and Education of the Deaf: Supporting Learners, K- College: An International Symposium (2005) 

      Berent, Gerald; Egelston-Dodd, Judy; Glenn, Chance; Grosshans, Raymond; Kavin, Denise; Gottermeier, Linda; Beil, Donald; Billies, Pat; Elliot, Lisa; Fugate, James; Robinson, Vicki; Schull, Jonathan; Toscano, Rose; Poor, Geoffrey; Rahalewicz, Patricia; Mallory, James; Ting, Simon; Dollinger-Meyer, Kathy; Hoffmann, Kenneth; Lalley, Peter; Rothman-Marshall, Gail; Stappenbeck, Denise; Beiter, Karen; Bick, Stacy; Toscano, Tony; Williams, Hope; Sims, Donald; Castle, Nancy; Darroch, Kathleen (2005-06)
    • Language and literacy 

      Albertini, John; Lang, Harry; Schley, Sara; Baillargeon, M.; McLeod, A.; Metz, D.; Schiavetti, N.; Whitehead, R.; Berent, Gerald; Clymer, E.; Samar, V.; Parasnis, Ila; Cuculick, J.; Kelly, Ronald; De Filippo, C.; Lansing, C.; Fischer, Susan; Foster, Susan; Gustina, Donna; Senior, G.; Gaustad, Martha; Payne, John-Allen; Lylak, Eugene; Kardach, J.; Wincowski, R.; Hillenbrand, J.; Marschark, Marc; Convertino, Carol; McEvoy, C.; Masteller, Allison; Lukomski, J.; MacKenzie, Douglas; Baillargeon, M.; Wellbrock, G.; Brown, Scott; Borges, J.; Rivera, S.; Schultz, Cindy; Toscano, Rose; McKee, Barbara; LePoutre, D.; Whitehead, B.; Weglarski, A.; Sewall, A.; Yang, J. (National Technical Institute for the Deaf: Department of Educational Resources, 2004)
      The summaries of NTID research are organized according to the five main areas of research activity at the Institute: Language and Literacy, Teaching and Learning, Sociocultural Influences, Career Development, and Technology ...
    • Language and literacy 

      Albertini, John; Schley, Sara; Baillargeon, M.; McLeod, A.; Metz, D.; Schiavetti, N.; Whitehead, R.; Berent, Gerald; Caccamise, Frank; Lang, Harry; Mitchell, M.; Hearld, S.; Reeves, June; Burch, D.; Poor, Geoffrey; Carr, Joan; Gaustad, Martha; Kelly, Ronald; Payne, John-Allen; Lylak, Eugene; Kardach, J.; Wincowski, R.; Hillenbrand, J.; Shannon, N.; Marschark, Marc; Convertino, Carol; McEvoy, C.; Masteller, Allison; MacKenzie, Douglas; Samar, V.; Parasnis, Ila; Brown, Scott; Borges, J.; Rivera, S.; Schultz, Cindy; Wellbrock, G. (National Technical Institute for the Deaf: Department of Educational Design Resources, 2005)
      In a companion publication, NTID Papers and Publications, we present a comprehensive summary of NTID research. In this publication, Implications of NTID Research, we select research that more immediately relates to the ...
    • Language and literacy 

      Albertini, John; Ehrhardt, E.; Strauss, H.; Lang, Harry; Schley, Sara; Berent, I.; Berent, Gerald; Clymer, E.; Samar, V.; Parasnis, Ila; Caccamise, Frank; Mitchell, M.; Newell, William; Mumford, Bonnie; Hoke, L.; Fischer, Susan; Delhorne, L.; Reed, C.; Foster, Susan; Gustina, Donna; Senior, G.; Gough, B.; Shannon, N.; Mousley, Keith; Davis, S.; Dowaliby, Fred; Stokoe, W.; Lukomski, J.; LePoutre, D.; Bement, L.; McEvoy, C.; Neslon, D.; Reeves, June; Holcomb, B.; Stinson, M.; Schiavetti, N.; Whitehead, R.; Whitehead, B.; Singleton, J.; Supalla, S.; Litchfield, S.; Snell, K.; Frisina, D. Robert; Hu, H.; Mapes, F.; Marschark, Marc; Hickman, E.; Toscano, Rose; Lepoutre, D.; D'Avonzo, S.; Grazionao, T.; Weglarski, A.; Sewall, A.; Winston, E.; Monikowski, Christine (National Technical Institute for the Deaf: Department of Educational Resources, 2002)
    • Language and literacy 

      Berent, Gerald; Samar, V.; Parasnis, Ila; Caccamise, Frank; Newell, William; Fennell, D.; Carr, N.; Updegraff, D.; Tebo, A.; Mitchell, M.; Reeves, June; Herald, S.; Burch, D.; Lang, Harry; Fischer, Susan; Delhorne, L.; Reeves, June; Albertini, John; McEvoy, C.; Marschark, Marc; Nelson, D.; Metz, D.; Gustafson, M. (National Technical Institute for the Deaf: Department of Educational Resources, 2002)
    • NTID Research Bulletin 

      Frisina, D. Robert; Frisina, Robert D.; Albertini, John; White, Julie; Berent, Gerald; Ross, Annemarie; Vlahos, Erin; Shubert, Stephanie; Smink, Jill; Short, Dan (Center for Research, Teaching and Learning, 2005)
      Table of Contents (TO BE ADDED AFTER SUBMISSION): The Neural and genetic bases of age-related hearing loss - Notes of note - The NTID Institutional Review Board: Procedures, guidelines, and resources - Voices from the mainstream
    • NTID Research Bulletin 

      Parasnis, Ila; Samar, V.; Berent, Gerald; Porter, Jeffrey; Nash, Ken; Hurwitz, T. Alan (Center for Research, Teaching and Learning, 2001)
      Table of Contents (TO BE ADDED AFTER SUBMISSION): Evaluating ADHD in the deaf population: Challenges to validity - Notes of note - Making assumptions...and beyond - Project access: A Partnership of success - Implications ...
    • NTID Research Bulletin 

      Berent, Gerald; Clymer, William; Porter, Jeffrey; Young, Alys (Center for Research, Teaching and Learning, 2000)
    • NTID Research Bulletin 

      Leigh, Greg; Johnston, Trevor; Albertini, John; Berent, Gerald (Center for Research, Teaching and Learning, 2004)
    • NTID Research Bulletin 

      Samar, Vincent; Barnett, Steven; Berent, Gerald; Albertini, John; Oyzon, Elouise; Mowl, Carlene; Sutter, Erika; Bryant, Linda; Schley, Sara; Stinson, Michael (Center for Research, Teaching and Learning, 2012-01-01)
    • NTID Research Bulletin 

      Marschark, Marc; Berent, Gerald; Fischer, Susan; Mousley, Keith; Kelly, Ronald (Center for Research, Teaching and Learning, 1996)
    • NTID Research Bulletin 

      Parasnis, Ila; Berent, Gerald; Samar, Vincent; Hauser, Peter (Center for Research, Teaching and Learning, 2009)
      Table of Contents: The first sign language-based test for ADHD in deaf and hard-of-hearing adults – Web-based measure of American Sign Language competency
    • Reading, writing, speech, and sign skills 

      Albertini, John; Shannon, N.; Berent, Gerald; Samar, V.; Kelly, Ronald; Berent, R.; Bochner, Joseph; Sacken, J.; Garrison, W.; Palmer, Lydia; MacKenzie, Douglas; Braveman, A.; Brown, Paula; Brewer, Laurie; Christie, Karen; Wilkins, D.; Marschark, Marc; Harris, M.; Schiavetti, N.; Whitehead, R.; Whitehead, B.; Metz, D.; D'Avonzo, S.; Graziano, T.; Moore, N.; Farrell, T.; Weglarski, A.; Sewall, A.; Farinella, K.; DeLeo, E. (National Technical Institute for the Deaf: Department of Educational Resources, 2000)
      What characteristics distinguish learners who are deaf or hard of hearing from their hearing classmates? What factors or conditions increase a deaf person's access to school and employment? What factors contribute to a ...
    • Scholarship @ RIT 

      Trauernicht, Marcia; Buehler, Marianne; Angelis, John; Ettlie, John; Peres, Michael; Ghazle, Hamad; Howles, Trudy; Gaborski, Roger; Boulais, Nicole; Steinberg, Loret; Khanna, Gurcharan; Berent, Gerald; Morelli, John; Rosenbeck, Joe; Fuller, Lynn; Chavasse, Phillippe; Shapiro, Brian; Paulus, Nick (Publishing & Scholarship Support Center (RIT), 2009-05)
    • Sociocultural influences 

      Brooks-Gunn, J.; Schley, Sara; Hardy, J.; Foster, Susan; MacLeod-Gallinger, Janet; Kinuthia, W.; Mudgett-DeCaro, P.; Bagga-Gupta, S.; de Leuw, L.; Domfors, L.; Emerton, Greg; Lampropoulou, Venetta; Ouellette, S.; van Weert, J.; Welch, O.; Hintermair, M.; Albertini, John; Parasnis, Ila; Fischer, Susan; Samar, V.; Berent, Gerald (National Technical Institute for the Deaf: Department of Educational Design Resources, 2005)
      In a companion publication, NTID Papers and Publications, we present a comprehensive summary of NTID research. In this publication, Implications of NTID Research, we select research that more immediately relates to the ...