Now showing items 1-16 of 16

    • The Application of quantitative oil streaking to the HeartQuest left ventricular assist device 

      Lemire, P.; McDaniel, J.; Wood, H.; Allaire, P.; Landrot, N.; Song, X.; Day, Steven; Olsen, D. (Artificial organs, 2002-11-01)
      Methods of flow visualization using oil streaking are established techniques for investigating surface shear and near wall flow patterns. Recent studies have used an array of oil dots on a surface which form streaks when ...
    • Dedicated alternator cooling system for automotive vehicles 

      Van Houten, Robert; Day, Steven (United States patent office, 1999-09-28)
      A cooling system for an automotive vehicle of the type having a radiator through which a coolant fluid flows includes a fan motor for driving a fan which moves air through the radiator; an alternator for supplying an output ...
    • Integrating the determinants of suction feeding performance in centrarchid fishes 

      Holzman, Roi; Day, Steven; Mehta, Rita; Wainwright, Peter (Company of Biologists, 2008-10-07)
      When suction-feeding vertebrates expand their buccal cavity to draw water into their mouth, they also exert a hydrodynamic force on their prey. This force is key to strike success, directly countering forces exerted by ...
    • Multidimensional analysis of suction feeding performance in fishes: Fluid speed, acceleration, strike accuracy and the ingested volume of water 

      Higham, Timothy; Day, Steven; Wainwright, Peter (The Company of Biologists, 2006-05-03)
      Suction feeding fish draw prey into the mouth using a flow field that they generate external to the head. In this paper we present a multidimensional perspective on suction feeding performance that we illustrate in ...
    • The Pressures of suction feeding: The Relation between buccal pressure and induced fluid speed in centrarchid fishes 

      Higham, Timothy; Day, Steven; Wainwright, Peter (The Company of Biologists, 2006-06-14)
      Suction feeding fish rapidly expand their oral cavity, resulting in a flow of water directed towards the mouth that is accompanied by a drop in pressure inside the buccal cavity. Pressure inside the mouth and fluid ...
    • A Prototype HeartQuest ventricular assist device for particle image velocimetry measurements 

      Day, Steven; McDaniel, James; Wood, Houston; Allaire, Paul; Song, Xinwei; Lemire, Phillip; Miles, Scott (Artificial organs, 2002-11-01)
      The objective of this study is to fully characterize the flow within the HeartQuest ventricular assist device (VAD), a magnetically levitated centrifugal VAD, using particle image velocimetry (PIV) to identify regions of ...
    • RIT Undergraduate Symposium 2008 

      Braganza, Andrea; Souza, Amanda; Birdsall, Laura; Stevens, Eric; Newman, Dina; Razali, Ayman; Waud, John; Rapp, William; Pough, Harvey; Chen, YuLin; Sweet, Hyla; Albanese, P.; Riordan, Matthew; Easton, Roger; Madigan, Mandy; Koroleski, Alex; Cummings, Daniel; Maxfield, Myles; Welshans, Nathan; Wilson, Peter; Reed, Kenneth; Babin, Nick; Neiss, John; Hurley, Ryan; Kopchak, Tom; Wright, Kate; Sweet, Hyla; von Lazewski, Gregor; Hirschman, Karl; Montgomery, Bryce; Mishra, S.; West, Kali; Cezo, James; Jenkins, K.; Seager, Thomas; Albers, Eric; Dell, Zachary; Parkes, J.; Franklin, Scott; Dunne, Carolyn; Green, Tim; Martini, Michael K.; Zimmerman, Seth; Smith, Janice; Smith, Kelli; Jones, T.; Ross, David; Thurston, George; Pelz, Maddie; Quinn, Sean; Robinson, A.; Rague, Byran; King, Wilma; Nyguyen, D.; Craig, Paul; Hrinda, G.; Snios, B.; Kallen, Tyler; Smith, Delmonize; Baum, Stefi; Noel-Storr, J.; Giles, Nathan; O'Dea, C.; Saraf, Summer; Segall, Kevin; Olles, M.; James, Andrew; Madden, P.; Wallingford, Mark; Landi, Brian; Stephany, T.; Putzig, Eli; Brown, Darryle; Haehnel, Ben; Carter, Dawn; Thurston, George; Day, Steven; Dorn, Stephanie; Perry, Elizabeth; Torres, Essie Sierra; Lindberg, Vern; Ganter, Matthew; Ried, Christopher; Ferran, M.; Schreiner, Emily; Rosen, M.; Maria Del Valle, E.; Cooke, Dwight; Bowlus, Chris; Luxmore, S.; Sierra-Torres, E.; Clark, J.; Richardson, William; Raffaelle, Ryne; Shah, B.; Cress, C.; King, Sharese; Covington, Ann; Kandlikar, Satish; Smith, Thomas; Kolev, J.; Landi, B.; Glenn, Chance M.; Hawker, J. Scott; Lipchick, Brittany; Swartzenberg, J.; Smith, G.; Conway, N.; Hornak, J.; Ferrara, Joseph; Rettmann, Ryan; Liwosz, Tim; Collison, Christina; Leffler, Meredith; Purington, Jonathan; Langner, Andreas; Foreman, Angela Lee; Cody, Jeremy; Craig, Paul; Loudermilk, Adam; Lundgren, Carl; Frisco, Sarah; Monfette, Amber; Pollard, Robert; Villarroel, Suyana; Rugg, Kyle; Bernstein, Herbert; Anctil, Annick; DiLeo, Roberta; Cos, G.; Doolittle, Richard; Miri, M.; Merrill, Andrew; Landi, Brian; Coombs, Sidney; Harrison, Duncan; Ziebel, Samuel; Collison, Christopher; Gasic, Drazen; Potter, M.; Kingston, E.; Lu, F.; Lund, Jillian; Rodriguez, Mayra; Debies, T.; Takacs, G. A.; Craig, Paul; Tusch, Douglas; Kohl, J.; Vo, Thomas; Underhill, Linda; Ge, C.; Weaver, Abbey; DeBartolo, E.A.; Allen, Virginia; Anctil, Annick; Klofas, John; Merrill, Andrew; Fields, Paul; Sahin, Ferat; Hosking, M.; MacDonald, Claire; Huynh, Samantha; Tarlowski, Carla; Grimm, Michael; Easton, Roger; Hatfield, Noel-Storr; O'Dea, Baum; Marcotte, Eugene; Duda, Janelle; Bright, Allison; Cunningham, Danielle; Battista, Nicholas; Harkin, Anthony; Luna, Luis; Lu, Z.; Lewis, Ryan; Buckley, Larry; Juan, Jackson; Rozanski, Evelyn; Wang, W.; Kirsch, Joelle; Carcamo, N.; Filkins, Laura; Totten, A.; Pagano, T.; Lamkin-Kennard, K.; Robinson, R.; Pough, Harvey; LaManna, Jacob; Souza, Amanda; Norton, Mike; Rath, Cody; Kirsch, Joelle; Polly, Stephen; Steffens, Jonathan; Marwah, Upasana; Barth, Michael; Rommel, L.; Pawlik, D.; Thomas, P.; Johnson, Kelly; Kurinec, Santosh; Syafruddin, Saiful Effendi; Mottarella, Scott; Mazur, Ludwika; Cheng, Z.; Li, J.; Haselkorn, Mike; Carcamo, Nelsy; Park, J.S.; Hydrick, J.; Bai, N.; Carroll, M.; Fiorenza, J.; Lochtefeld, A.; O'Handley, Suzanne; Barlow, Margaret; Seabaugh, A.; Brindak, Mike; Horton, Jerry; Hanson, Brett; Hubbard, S.; Robinson, Risa; Thompson, P.; Kassis, Michael; Yurchenko, K.; Kim, Thomas; Diwan, K.; Wagner, A.; Evans, Irene; Levchenko, I; Stiebitz, P.; Ostrikov, K.; Mariotti, Davide; McCabe, Andrew; Westin, Charles; Pagano, Todd; Herder, Laura; Manley, R.G.; Chen, Cheng-Kai; Peters, B.; Crandall, Gabrielle; Kim, Thomas; Matash, Abdul; Enriquez, Ariel; Pelz, J.; Weigand, J.; Myers, Jordan; Allston, Thomas; Bernius, Matthew (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2008-08)
      The Undergraduate Research Symposium was founded to honor student achievement in scientific research and to further RIT's goal of combining traditional laboratory work and classroom instruction with experiential learning. ...
    • Spatial and temporal patterns of water flow generated by suction-feeding bluegill sunfish Lepomis macrochirus resolved by Particle Image Velocimetry 

      Day, Steven; Higham, Timothy; Cheer, Angela; Wainwright, Peter (The Company of Biologists, 2005-05-24)
      The suction-feeding fish generates a flow field external to its head in order to draw prey into the mouth. To date there are very few empirical measurements that characterize the fluid mechanics of suction feeding, p ...
    • Streamlined unobstructed one-pass axial-flow pump 

      Wood, Houston; Allaire, Paul; Olsen, Don; Day, Steven; Song, Xinwei; Untaroiu, Alex; Throckmorton, Amy (United States patent office, 2007-06-12)
      A blood pump has an impeller rotatably disposed and magnetically suspended within a cavity of a stator by a plurality of magnetic bearings (passive permanent and active electromagnetic) having impeller magnets on the ...
    • Studies of turbulence models in a computational fluid dynamics model of a blood pump 

      Song, Xinwei; Wood, Houston; Day, Steven; Olsen, Don (Artificial organs, 2003-10-14)
      Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is used widely in design of rotary blood pumps. The choice of turbulence model is not obvious and plays an important role on the accuracy of CFD predictions. TASCflow (ANSYS Inc., Canonsburg, ...
    • Sucking while swimming: Evaluating the effects of ram speed on suction generation in bluegill sunfish Lepomis macrochirus using digital particle image velocimetry 

      Higham, Timothy; Day, Steven; Wainwright, Peter (The Company of Biologists, 2005-05-11)
      It is well established that suction feeding fish use a variable amount of swimming (ram) during prey capture. However, the fluid mechanical effects of ram on suction feeding are not well established. In this study ...
    • Time resolved measurements of the flow generated by suction feeding fish 

      Day, Steven; Higham, T.; Wainwright, P. (Experiments in fluids, 2007)
    • Timing is everything: Coordination of strike kinematics affects the force exerted by suction feeding fish on attached prey 

      Holzman, Roi; Day, Steven; Wainwright, Peter (Journal of Experimental BiologyCompany of Biologists, 2007-07-17)
      During aquatic suction feeding, the predator opens its mouth and rapidly expands its buccal cavity, generating a flow field external to the mouth. The rapid expansion of the buccal cavity produces high fluid velocities ...
    • Velocity measurements in a dual-mode supersonic combustor using particle image velocimetry 

      Goyne, C.; McDaniel, J.; Krauss, R.; Day, Steven (AIAA, 2001)