Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • A new algorithm for global forest fire detection using multispectral images 

      Li, Ying; Vodacek, Anthony; Kremens, Robert; Ononye, Ambrose (The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), 2003-09)
      Fire detection has been an active research field for many years and a number of algorithms have been proposed. These algorithms, however, are often inflexible in dealing with the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of ...
    • Remote optical detection of biomass burning using a potassium emission signature 

      Vodacek, Anthony; Kremens, Robert; Fordham, Andy; VanGorden, Stefanie; Luisi, Domenico; Schott, John; Latham, Don (Taylor and Francis Ltd, 2002-07)
      A remotely detectable signature for biomass burning that is specific to flaming combustion is found in the strong emission lines of potassium (K) at 766.5 nm and 769.9 nm. Ground level spectra of a test fire illustrate the ...