Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • A Graphic design primer resources for educators 

      Tregay, Sarah Beth (2000-05)
      This thesis examines current methods and trends in graphic design education. It focuses on the improvement of graphic design education by helping educators better understand the graphic design discipline, describing important ...
    • Signatures 

      Abe, Taro; Ackles, Rob; Alumni Association; Amy, Tracey; Anonymous; Armstrong, Angelique M.; Bell, Roberley; Bowes, Lisa; Brandlin, Jessica T.; Bress, Maura; Chmiel, Krista; Cook, Peter; Cucici, Vince; D'Amico, Amy; Dailey, Amanda; David, Timothy; Donatelli, Ralph F.; Ejbisz, Jillian M.; Evans, Noelle; Feldmeyer, Arispa; Glynn, Pat; Gratton, Whitney; Greb, John D.; Hassan, Nubia; Henry, Andrew; Hoffman, Phyllis; InDesign; Iwano, Elaine S.; Johnson, Alexandra; Kidane, Ream; Kuchta, Kevin; Kunz, Jennifer; Lee, Jason; Lovin' Cup; McVicker, Alexis G.; Office of the Provost; Parker, Dan; Peters, Ken; Romnsky, Andrea; Ryburn, Phil; Saehloff, Nicole; Schindel, Tyler; Seaman, Jennifer; Sears, Erika; Shand, Matthew; Shaw, Lindsay; Slavin, Spencer; Spann, Tashana; Stahl, Benjamin; Steblan, Brian M.; Steinhardt, F. Page; Whyte, Aimee Kirsten; Wveit, Janet Van; unknown (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2009)