Now showing items 2171-2190 of 3251

    • NTID's College Bowl team formed 

      Unknown author (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1998-04-01)
      Captained by a member of the 1996 team, NTID will defend its College Bowl championship for the third time against teams from Gallaudet University and California State University, Northridge.
    • NTID's Davila to speak at nation's largest Latino Commencement Ceremony 

      NTID (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2003-05-12)
      Dr. Robert Davila, CEO of the National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID) at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), will speak May 17 at the nation's largest Latino Commencement Celebration and receive an award ...
    • NTID's explore your future program 

      Unknown author (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1997-02-04)
      Summer plans for high school juniors: NTID's Explore Your Future program Deaf and hard-of-hearing students in their junior year of high school who want to learn about the challenges and requirements of a college education ...
    • NTID's instructional television wins two awards 

      NTID (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2003-06-12)
      The National Technical Institute for the Deaf's Instructional Television Department has earned both a bronze Telly award and a Certificate for Creative Excellence from the International Film and Video Festival (IFVF) for ...
    • NTID's National Advisory Group awards three for outstanding service 

      NTID (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2003-06-09)
      The National Technical Institute for the Deaf's National Advisory Group named Kathy Darroch, Barbara Ray Holcomb, and Jeannette Vargas winners of its 2003 Outstanding Service Award. The award is given annually to faculty ...
    • NTID's student actors sink teeth into challenges 

      Livadas, Greg (Democrat and Chronicle, 2005-10-25)
      Some people may think the Rochester Institute of Technology is just for students who want to learn computer science or engineering. But costumed actors in makeup who take to the stage six times a year on campus are ...
    • NTID's Warfield receives peacemaking award 

      NTID (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2004-02-23)
      Thomas Warfield, a faculty member in the Cultural and Creative Studies Department at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID) at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), recently received the Jennifer Patterson ...
    • NTID/RIT lands additional $1.1M to expand global effort for educating deaf 

      NTID (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2007-02-08)
      The Nippon Foundation of Japan has awarded the National Technical Institute for the Deaf at Rochester Institute of Technology $1.1 million to expand its leading role in improving education and career opportunities for deaf ...
    • NTID/RIT lands second major award to lead global effort for educating deaf 

      NTID (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2002-04-04)
      Japan's The Nippon Foundation has awarded the National Technical Institute for the Deaf at Rochester Institute of Technology $1.16 million to continue its leading role in improving education and career opportunities for ...
    • NTID/RIT lands third major award to lead global effort for educating deaf 

      NTID (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2003-03-01)
      Nippon Foundation has awarded the National Technical Institute for the Deaf at Rochester Institute of Technology $1.19 million to continue its leading role in improving education and career opportunities for deaf people ...
    • Nuccio receives NTID distinguished alum award 

      NTID (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2006-02-03)
      Jelica Bruer Nuccio, M.P.H., executive director of the Deaf-Blind Service Center in Seattle, Washington, is this year’s winner of the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) Distinguished Alumni Award for the National ...
    • Nucleation characteristics and stability considerations 

      Kandlikar, Satish (Elsevier Science B.V., 2006)
      Flow boiling in microchannels and minichannels has received considerable attention in the past decade. The interest stems from the possibility of achieving the extremely high heat fluxes, over 1 kW/cm2, needed for future ...
    • Nucleic acids: Sequences and topology 

      Murray-Rust, Judith; Chalton, David; Craig, Paul (Elsevier: Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 2002-06-01)
    • Nucleic_Acid_Components 

      Craig, Paul (2010-05-12)
    • Numerical simulation of flow through microchannels in bipolar plate 

      Rawool, A.; Mitra, S.; Agrawal, A.; Kandlikar, Satish (American society of mechanical engineers (ASME), 2005-06)
      In this paper, the flow through a serpentine microchannel with obstructions on wall is studied. Various obstruction geometries ranging from rectangular to triangular are considered. For each geometry pressure drop across ...
    • Numerical simulation of growth of a vapor bubble during flow boiling of water in a microchannel 

      Mukherjee, A.; Kandlikar, Satish (Spring-Verlag, 2005-05)
      The present study is performed to numerically analyze the growth of a vapor bubble during flow of water through a microchannel. The complete Navier- Stokes equations, along with continuity and energy equations, are ...
    • Numerical simulation of growth of a vapor bubble during flow boiling of water in a microchannel 

      Mukherjee, Abhijit; Kandlikar, Satish (American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2004-06)
      The present study is performed to numerically analyze growth of a vapor bubble during flow of water in a microchannel. The complete Navier-Stokes equations along with continuity and energy equations are solved using the ...
    • Numerical study of an evaporating meniscus on a moving heated surface 

      Kandlikar, Satish; Mukherjee, A. (Journal of Heat Transfer, 2006-12)
      The present study is performed to numerically analyze an evaporating meniscus bounded between the advancing and receding interfaces on a moving heated surface. The numerical scheme developed for analyzing interface motion ...
    • Numerical study of an evaporating meniscus on a moving heated surface 

      Mukherjee, Abhijit; Kandlikar, Satish (American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2004-07)
      The present study is performed to numerically analyze an evaporating meniscus on a moving heated surface. This phenomenon is similar to the one observed at the base of a vapor bubble during nucleate boiling. The complete ...
    • Numerical study of the effect of inlet constriction on bubble growth during flow boiling in microchannels 

      Mukherjee, Abhijit; Kandlikar, Satish (American society of mechanical engineers (ASME), 2005-06)
      Flow boiling through microchannels is characterized by nucleation of vapor bubbles on the channel walls and their rapid growth as they fill the entire channel cross-section. In parallel microchannels connected through ...