Now showing items 2771-2790 of 3251

    • Six unusual class members 

      Crane, Allison (2008)
    • Slide into winter at the gala DOC party tomorrow 

      Austin, Bruce (Department of Communication, 2007-12-10)
    • The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Monitor Telescope Pipeline 

      Tucker, Douglas; Kent, Stephen; Richmond, Michael; Annis, James; Smith, James; Allam, S.; Rodgers, C.; Stute, J.; Adelman-McCarthy, Jennifer; Brinkman, Jonathan; Doi, Mamoru; Finkbeiner, Douglas; Fukugita, Masataka; Goldston, J.; Greenway, B.; Gunn, James; Hendry, John; Hogg, David; Ichikawa, Shin-ichi; Ivezic, Zeljko; Knapp, Gillian; Lampeitl, Hubert; Lee, Brian; Lin, Huan; McKay, Timothy; Merrelli, A.; Munn, Jeffrey; Neilsen, E.; Newberg, H.; Richards, Gordon; Schlegel, David; Stoughton, Christopher; Uomoto, Alan; Yanny, Brian (Wiley InterScience: Astronomische Nachrichten, 2006-11)
      The photometric calibration of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) is a multi-step process which involves data from three different telescopes: the 1.0-m telescope at the US Naval Observatory (USNO), Flagstaff Station, ...
    • The Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II Supernova Survey: search Algorithm and follow-up observations 

      Sako, Masao; Bassett, Bruce; Becker, Andrew; Cinabro, David; DeJongh, Fritz; Depoy, Darren; Dilday, Ben; Doi, Mamoru; Frieman, Joshua; Garnavich, Peter; Hogan, Craig; Holtzman, Jon; Jha, Saurabh; Kessler, Richard; Konishi, Kohki; Lampeitl, Hubert; Marriner, John; Miknaitis, Gajus; Nichol, Robert; Prieto, Jose Luis; Riess, Adam; Richmond, Michael; Romani, Roger; Schneider, Donald; Smith, Matthew; SubbaRao, Mark; Takanashi, Naohiro; Tokita, Kouichi; van der Heyden, Kurt; Yasuda, Naoki; Zheng, Chen; Barentine, John; Brewington, Howard; Choi, Changsu; Dembicky, Jack; Harnavek, Michael; Ihara, Yutaka; Im, Myungshin; Ketzeback, William; Kleinman, Scott; Krzesinski, Jurek; Long, Daniel; Malanushenko, Elena; Malanushenko, Viktor; McMillan, Russet; Morokuma, Tomoki; Nitta, Atsuko; Pan, Kaike; Saurage, Gabrelle; Snedden, Stephani (American Astronomical Society - The Astronomical Journal, 2008-01)
      The Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II Supernova Survey has identified a large number of new transient sources in a 300 deg2 region along the celestial equator during its first two seasons of a three-season campaign. Multi-band ...
    • The Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II Supernova Survey: technical summary 

      Frieman, Joshua; Bassett, Bruce; Becker, Andrew; Choi, Changsu; Cinabro, David; DeJongh, Fritz; Depoy, Darren; Dilday, Ben; Doi, Mamoru; Garnavich, Peter; Hogan, Craig; Holtzman, Jon; Im, Myungshin; Jha, Saurabh; Kessler, Richard; Konishi, Kohki; Lampeitl, Hubert; Marriner, John; Marshall, Jennifer; McGinnis, David; Miknaitis, Gajus; Nichol, Robert; Prieto, Jose Luis; Riess, Adam; Richmond, Michael; Romani, Roger; Sako, Masao; Schneider, Donald; Smith, Mathew; Takanashi, Naohiro; Tokita, Kouichi; van der Heyden, Kurt; Yasuda, Naoki; Zheng, Chen; Adelman-McCarthy, Jennifer; Annis, James; Assef, Roberto; Barentine, John; Bender, Ralf; Blandford, Roger; Boroski, William; Bremer, Malcolm; Brewington, Howard; Collins, Chris; Crotts, Arlin; Dembicky, Jack; Eastman, Jason; Edmondson, Edmond; Elson, Edward; Eyler, Michael; Filippenko, Alexei; Foley, Ryan; Frank, Stephan; Goobar, Ariel; Gueth, Tina; Gunn, James; Harvanek, Michael; Hopp, Ulrich; Ihara, Yutaka; Ivezic, Zelko; Kahn, Steven; Kaplan, Jared; Kent, Stephen; Ketzeback, William; Kleinman, Scott; Kollatschny, Wolfram; Kron, Richard; Krzesinkski, Jurek; Lamenti, Dennis; Giorgos, Leloudas; Lin, Huan; Long, Daniel; Lucey, John; Lupton, Robert; Malanushenko, Elena; Malanushenko, Viktor; McMillan, Russet; Mendez, Javier; Morgan, Christopher; Morokuma, Tomoki; Nitta, Atsuko; Ostman, Linda; Pan, Kaike; Rockosi, Constance; Romer, Kathy; Ruiz-Lapuente, Pilar; Saurage, Gabrelle; Schelsinger, Katie; Snedden, Stephanie; Sollerman, Jesper; Stoughton, Chris; Stritzinger, Maximilian; SubbaRao, Mark; Tucker, Douglas; Vaisanen, Petri; Watson, Linda; Watters, Shannon; Wheeler, Craig; Yanny, Brian; York, Donald (American Astronomical Society - The Astronomical Journal, 2008-01)
      The Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II (SDSS-II) has embarked on a multi-year project to identify and measure light curves for intermediate-redshift (0.05 < z < 0.35) Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) using repeated five-band (ugriz) ...
    • Small worlds, locality, and flooding on landscapes 

      Homan, C.; Istrate, G. (University of Rochester, 2003)
    • Small-period electromagnet wigglers for free-electron lasers 

      Granatstein, V.L.; Destler, William; Mayergoyz, I.D. (American Institute of Physics, 1985-09-15)
      A new configuration for wiggler magnets compatible with free-electron laser (FEL) deployment is described and demonstrated experimentally. The configuration is simple and inexpensive to fabricate and allows for continuous ...
    • Social processes 

      Bateman, Gerald; Foster, Susan; Marschark, Marc; Schwartz, M.; Vaccari, C. (National Technical Institute for the Deaf: Department of Educational Resources, 2000)
      -What characteristics distinguish learners who are deaf or hard of hearing from their hearing classmates? -What factors or conditions increase a deaf person's access to school and employment? -What factors contribute to a ...
    • Social, ethical and legal issues of data mining 

      Cook, Jack; Cook, Laura (2003)
      Specifically, the social, ethical, and legal implications of DM are examined through recent case law, current public opinion, and small industry-specific examples. there are many issues concerning this topic. Therefore, ...
    • Sociocultural influences 

      Brooks-Gunn, J.; Schley, Sara; Hardy, J.; Foster, Susan; MacLeod-Gallinger, Janet; Kinuthia, W.; Mudgett-DeCaro, P.; Bagga-Gupta, S.; de Leuw, L.; Domfors, L.; Emerton, Greg; Lampropoulou, Venetta; Ouellette, S.; van Weert, J.; Welch, O.; Hintermair, M.; Albertini, John; Parasnis, Ila; Fischer, Susan; Samar, V.; Berent, Gerald (National Technical Institute for the Deaf: Department of Educational Design Resources, 2005)
      In a companion publication, NTID Papers and Publications, we present a comprehensive summary of NTID research. In this publication, Implications of NTID Research, we select research that more immediately relates to the ...
    • Sociocultural influences 

      Antia, S.; Stinson, M.; Foster, Susan; Long, Gary; Snell, K.; Lang, Harry; Parasnis, Ila; Liu, Y.; Whitmire, K. (National Technical Institute for the Deaf: Department of Educational Resources, 2002)
    • Sociocultural influences 

      De Filippo, C.; Finton, L.; Foster, Susan; Kinuthia, W.; MacLeod-Gallinger, Janet; Mudgett-DeCaro, P.; Bagga-Gupta, S.; de Leuw, L.; Domfors, L.; Emerton, Greg; Lampropoulou, Venetta; Ouellette, S.; van Weert, J.; Welch, O.; Lang, Harry; Parasnis, Ila; Samar, V.; Fischer, Susan; Stinson, M.; Whitmire, K. (National Technical Institute for the Deaf: Department of Educational Resources, 2004)
      The summaries of NTID research are organized according to the five main areas of research activity at the Institute: Language and Literacy, Teaching and Learning, Sociocultural Influences, Career Development, and Technology ...
    • Sociocultural influences 

      DeFilippo, Carol; Dagel, D.; Foster, Susan; McKee, Barbara; Barefoot, Sidney; Eilers-Crandall, Kathleen; Gustafson, M.; Hurwitz, T. Alan; Weisel, A.; Parasnis, Ila; DeCaro, James; Savir, H.; Samar, V.; Mandke, K.; Stinson, M.; Antia, S. (National Technical Institute for the Deaf: Department of Educational Resources, 2002)
    • Solid-state array cameras 

      Strull, G.; List, W.; Irwin, E.; Farnsworth, David (Optical Society of America, 1972-05)
      Over the past few years there has been growing interest shown in the rapidly maturing technology of totally solid-state imaging. This paper presents a synopsis of developments made in this field at the Westinghouse ATL ...
    • A soluble linear Schiff-base coordination polymer containing eight-coordinate zirconium (IV) 

      Archer, Ronald; Illingsworth, Marvin; Rau, Denise; Hardiman, Christopher (The American Chemical Society: Macromolecules, 1985-07)
      The first soluble linear Schiff-base heavy-metal coordination polymer has been synthesized via the condensation of 1,2,4,5-tetraaminobenzene and tetrakis(salicylaldehydato)zirconium(IV) in dry dimethyl sulfoxide. The (N, ...
    • Solvent effects on the kinetics of simple electrochemical reactions. Further examination of metal ethylenediamine and ammine redox couples. 

      Farmer, Jane; Gennett, Thomas; Weaver, Michael (Elsevier: Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 1985-09-10)
      The dependence of the kinetics of Co(en)33+/2+ exchange (en=ethylenediamine) at mercury electrodes upon the nature of the solvent is discussed further by examining the preexponential factors, Acorr, as well as double-layer ...
    • Some flow-equivalent planar and non-planar graphs 

      Shahmohamad, Hossein (Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, 2001-09-28)
      We find three non-planar graphs which are flow-equivalent to planar graphs. It is also shown that some non-planar graphs are not flow-equivalent to any planar graph.