Now showing items 1301-1320 of 3251

    • Multi: The RIT Journal of Plurality and Diversity in Design (Spring/Summer 2008) 

      Bitterman, Alex; Davidson, Gethin; Bringolf, Jane; Lewis, Karen; Schweitzer, Lisa; Mukhopadhyay, Prabir (Rochester Institute of Technology: School of Design, 2008)
    • Time-measuring device: making your own history of remembrance box with childhood’s physical growth 

      Huh, Sang Hee (2008-08)
      Memories, for most of us, are precious indeed. Reminiscing helps us recall long gone events and a wide range of emotions. However, our recollection is imperfect and we know our memory is limited. Our memories may change ...
    • WATT: A Compiler for automated visualization service generation 

      Bollig, Evan; Lyness, Martin; Erlebacher, Gordon; Yuen, David (Grid Computing Environments (GCE), 2007)
      Service-oriented application development is a time consuming task that changes little between projects. In general, development is a two step process where developers first create the core functionality of the service and ...
    • Life beyond the browser: The TeraDRE 

      Braun, Dave; Song, Carol; Arns, Laura (Grid Computing Environments (GCE), 2007)
      This paper discusses the development of a multi grid-domain application for users of the Purdue TeraDRE resource. The TeraDRE (Distributed Rendering Environment on the TeraGrid) allows a user to greatly reduce the render ...
    • Portlets for user centric job and task monitoring for open science grid virtual organizations 

      Alexander, D.; Pundaleeka, R.; Tramer, S.; Lauret, J.; Fine, V. (Grid Computing Environments (GCE), 2007)
      Organizations in the Open Science Grid are motivated to provide services so that individual scientists can effectively execute data analysis jobs and take advantage of Grid resources. For success, these scientists will ...
    • A Science collaboration environment for the network for earthquake engineering simulation 

      Youn, Choonhan; Baru, Chaitan; Elgamal, Ahmed; Seber, Dogan (Grid Computing Environments (GCE), 2007)
      The vision of cyberinfrastructure is to provide “the comprehensive infrastructure needed to capitalize on dramatic advances in information technology,” in support of science and engineering applications. The development ...
    • An empirical examination of the pricing of seasoned equity offerings: a test of the signalling hypothesis 

      Karim, Khondkar; Gara, Stepgen; Rutledge, Robert (2000-06)
      This paper tests the predictions of Signaling Theory against the competing Price Irrelevance Hypothesis (Eckbo and Masulis 1992). Signaling Theory suggests that a security offer's issue price provides a signal of the quality ...
    • Incentives vs. entrenchment: the case of founder CEO succession 

      Hoi, Chun-Keung; Khandkar, Karim; Lacina, Michael; Ashok, Robin (2002-04-26)
      This study empirically investigates the stock market and financial performance in years surrounding founder CEO succession during the period 1990 through 1995. The second objective of this study is to examine, using the ...
    • IT-supported productivity: paradoxes and resolution in R & D 

      Joseph, Daniel; Ettlie, John (2004)
      Nicholas G. Carr, as editor-at-large for the Harvard Business Review, authored the provocative editorial piece "IT Doesn't Matter" (Carr, 2003). He compared the development of information technology with the development ...
    • The ethics of web design: ensuring access for everyone 

      Cook, Jack; Cook, Laura (2004)
      Web accessibility is really not a technological issue but rather a cultural problem. A Web site is said to be web accessible if anyone, regardless of capabilities or disabilities, using any kind of Web browsing technology ...
    • Strategic predictors of successful enterprise system deployment 

      Ettlie, John; Perotti, Victor; Joseph, Daniel; Cotteleer, Mark (Emerald Publishing, Definitive version is available at, 2005-09)
      Purpose - The delivered wisdom to date has enterprise system purchase and implementation as one of the most hazardous projects any organization can undertake. The aim was to reduce this risk by both theoretically and ...
    • Historical review of algorithm development for computerized business simulations 

      Gold, Steven; Pray, Thomas (Sage Publishing. The definitive copy can be found at, 2001-02)
      This article presents a 25-year historical review of algorithm development for computerized business simulations. The articles selected were drawn extensively from the annual proceedings of the Association of Business ...
    • Social, ethical and legal issues of data mining 

      Cook, Jack; Cook, Laura (2003)
      Specifically, the social, ethical, and legal implications of DM are examined through recent case law, current public opinion, and small industry-specific examples. there are many issues concerning this topic. Therefore, ...
    • Perspective: empirical generalization and the role of culture in new product development 

      Ettlie, John (Blackwell Publishing, Ltd. The definitive version is available at, 2007-03)
      Empirical generalization continues to be a challenge in most applied fields that favor publication of original results. The purpose of this study was to report on a new product development exercise in one, controlled ...
    • Compliance with data management laws 

      Cook, Jack; Cook, Laura (2003-10)
      This chapter exposes professionals to laws dealing with data management. Both positive and negative aspects of legislation are highlighted. The purpose of this chapter is to expose the reader to some of the more interesting ...
    • Why design an accessible web site? 

      Cook, Jack; Cook, Laura (IGI Global, 2001-12)
      It is easy for those of us who lead unencumbered lives to forget what it must be like to be denied daily activities that we take for granted - to be relegated to the sidelines of society. Nearly half of those with disabilities ...
    • Organizing for radical innovation: an exploratory study of the structural aspects of RI management systems in large established firms 

      O'Connor, Gina; DeMartino, Richard (Blackwell Publishing, Ltd. The definitive version is available at, 2006-11)
      To escape the intense competition of today's global economy, large established organizations seek growth options beyond conventional new product development that leads to incremental changes in current product lines. Radical ...
    • Technology, customization, and reliability 

      Johnson, Michael; Ettlie, John (Elsevier Science. The definitive version can be found at, 2001-08-01)
      This research examines the relative importance that customers place on product reliability, or things-gone-wrong, and customization, or things-gone-right, across a range of industrial settings. We integrate an evolutionary ...
    • Research-based pedagogy for new product development: MBA's versus engineers in different countries 

      Ettlie, John (Blackwell Publishing, Ltd. The definitive version is available at, 2002-01)
      An experimential exercise based on the meta-analysis results reported by Montoya-Weiss and Calantone [22] was used in eleven graduate classes, all electives in technology management, at five different institutions in the ...
    • Modified stage-gate(r) regimes in new product development 

      Ettlie, John; Elsenbach, Jorg (Blackwell Publishing, Ltd. The definitive version is available at, 2007-01)
      The purpose of this research was to explore the nature of the Stage-Gate (r) process in the context of innovative projects that not only vary in new product technology (i.e. radical versus incremental technology) but that ...