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  • Reporter 

    Luessen, Robert (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2010-04-30)
  • Reporter 

    Villavicencio, Madeleine; Mandanas, Laura; Bogle, Emily; Rogala, Alex; Howard, John; Hart, Rachel; Arn, James; Cahill, Brendan; Cushing, Leanne; Hugo, Kyle; Mancuso, Daniel T.; Mohlmann, Emily; Patterson, Kelvin; Angerosa, Cassie; McCormick, Caitlin; Conti, Michael; Clem, Anna; Flynn, Nate; Perdomo, Rigo; Syslo, Ted; Eberts, Joanna; Sciotto, Tom; Douglas, Jamie; Sedlack, Moe; Szczepanski, Amanda (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2010-04-16)
  • Reporter 

    Rees, Andy; Villavicencio, Madeleine; Bogle, Emily; Howard, John; McCord, Sam; Arn, James; Behn, Derrick; Cahill, Brendan; Mandanas, Laura; Sedlak, Moe; Szczepanski, Amanda; Zubak-Skees, Chris; Patterson, Kelvin; Anthony, Evan; Buckwell, Jena; Tassone, Nicholas; Pfost, Steve; Artusio-Glimpse, Alexandra; Douglas, Jamie; Rubin, Ben (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2010-01-08)
  • Reporter 

    Belisle, Christina; Cahill, Brendan; Gasser, David; Imperial, Amanda; McKinzie, Jeff; Ogbeide, Patrick; Roppolo, Michael; Sedlak, Moe; Michelle, Spoto; Szczepanski, Amanda; Villavicencio, Madeleine (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2010-12-10)
  • Reporter 

    Belisle, Christina; Bogle, Emily; Cahill, Brendan; Coladonato, Ali; Herrington, Matt; Maslanka, Kristen; McKinzie, Jeff; Rogala, Alex; Sedlak, Maureen; Shook, Robert; Spoto, Michelle; Szczepanski, Amanda (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2010-12-03)
  • Reporter 

    Belisle, Christina; Bogle, Emily; Claire, Justin; Coladonato, Ali; Connor, Jackie; Conti, Michael; Gasser, David; Greenberg, Bonnie; Imperial, Amanda; McKinzie, Jeff; Ogbeide, Patrick; Roppolo, Michael; Sedlak, Maureen (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2010-11-12)
  • Reporter 

    Belisle, Christina; Delp, Danielle; Gasser, David; Markowitz, Steven; Maslanka, Kristen; Sansone, Stefano; Sedlak, Moe; Spoto, Michelle; Szczepanski, Amanda; Weinstein, Josette (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2010-11-05)
  • Reporter 

    Arn, James; Belisle, Christina; Bogle, Emily; Cahill, Brendan; Delp, Danielle; Hancock, Alexis; Sansone, Stefano; Sedlak, Moe; Shook, Robert; Spoto, Michelle; Szczepanski, Amanda; Turner, Cody; Williams, Evan (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2010-10-29)
  • Reporter 

    Belisle, Christina; Cahill, Brendan; Coladonato, Ali; Guzman, Aracelis; Imperial, Amanda; Long, Tia; Matteo, Adriana; McKinzie, Jeff; Ogbeide, Patrick; Rogala, Alex; Slabaugh, Brett (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2010-12-17)
  • Reporter 

    Arn, James; Belisle, Christina; Cahill, Brendan; Duhart, Eryc; Gasser, David; Roppolo, Michael; Sedlak, Moe; Szczepanski, Amanda; Villavicencio, Madeleine (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2010-10-22)
  • Reporter 

    Belisle, Christina; Claire, Justin; Gasser, David; Herrington, Matt; Imperial, Amanda; Markowitz, Steven; Maslanka, Kristen; Matteo, Adriana; Mckinzie, Jeff; Rogala, Alex; Sedlak, Moe; Spoto, Michelle; Szczepanski, Amanda; Williams, Evan (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2010-10-15)
  • Reporter 

    Belisle, Christina; Gasser, David; Guzman, Aracelis; Herrington, Matt; Imperial, Amanda; Ogbeide, Patrick; Rogala, Alex; Sedlak, Moe; Michelle, Spoto; Szczepanski, Amanda; Villavicencio, Madeleine; Weinstein, Josette; Williams, Evan; Zubak-Skees, Chris (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2010-10-08)
  • Reporter 

    Belisle, Christina; Cahill, Brendan; Conti, Michael; Gasser, David; Herrington, Matt; Markowitz, Stephen; McKinzie, Jeff; Sansone, Stefano; Sedlak, Moe; Szczepanski, Amanda (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2010-10-01)
  • Reporter 

    Angarita, Sam; Arn, James; Buonarota, Nick; Cahill, Brendan; Claire, Justin; Crawford, Alecia; Imperial, Amanda; Sciotto, Tom; Sedlak, Moe; Shaw, Liz; Szczepanski, Amanda; Williams, Evan (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2010-09-24)
  • Reporter 

    Arn, James; Bogle, Emily; Buonarota, Nick; Cahill, Brendan; Conti, Michael; Mancuso, Daniel; Ogbeide, Patrick; Paliaro, Alex; Rogala, Alex; Sciotto, Tom; Sedlak, Moe; Shaw, Liz; Szczepanski, Amanda; Villavicencio, Madeleine; Zubak-Skees, Chris (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2010-09-17)
  • Reporter 

    Arn, James; Bogle, Emily; Connor, Janis; Conti, Michael; Mohlmann, Emily; Rogala, Alex; Sciotto, Tom; Sedlak, Moe; Szczepanski, Amanda; Villavicencio, Madeleine; Watson, Chelsea (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2010-09-10)
  • Reporter 

    Behm, Derrick; Bogle, Emily; Leanne, Cushing; DeMoney, Neil; Lovria, Dan; Chukwuma, Morah; Offune, Adimabua; Rogala, Alex; Sedlak, Moe; Sciotto, Tom; Szczepanski, Amanda; Villavicencio, Madeleine (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2010-09-03)
  • Reporter 

    Arn, James; Bogle, Emily; Cahill, Brendan; Conti, Michael; Lovria, Dan; Mandanas, Laura; Mohlman, Emily; Rogala, Alex; Williams, Evan (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2010-05-14)
  • Reporter 

    Arn, James; Buonarota, Nick; Cahill, Brendan; Hugo, Kyle; Mancuso, Daniel; McLaughlin, Joe; Rogala, Alex; Sciotto, Tom; Sedlak, Moe; Szczepanski, Amanda; Villavicencio, Madeleine; Williams, Evan (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2010-05-07)
  • Reporter 

    Angarita, Samuel; Behm, Derrick; Conti, Michael; Dehlinger, Casey; Hart, Rachel; Herrera, Maximiliano; Howard, John; Loomis, Jen; Mancuso, Daniel; Mandanas, Laura; Rees, Andy; Rogala, Alex; Shaw, Isla; Sedlak, Moe; Szczepanski, Amanda; Villavicencio, Madeleine (Rocheste Institute of Technology, 2010-04-30)

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