Now showing items 1-20 of 29

    • Cognition 

      Clark, M.; Schwanenflugel, P.; Everhart, V.; Bartini, M.; Marschark, Marc; Kelly, Ronald; Mousley, Keith; Ruiz-Vargas, J.; Cuevas, I.; Mayer, T.; Tinti, C.; Cornoldi, C.; Lukomski, J.; Parasnis, Ila; Samar, V.; Mandke, K.; Bettger, J.; Sathe, K.; Berent, Gerald; Demiralp, T.; Yordanova, J.; Kolev, B.; Ademoglu, A.; Devrim, M.; De Filippo, C.; Snell, K. (National Technical Institute for the Deaf: Department of Educational Resources, 2000)
      What characteristics distinguish learners who are deaf or hard of hearing from their hearing classmates? What factors or conditions increase a deaf person's access to school and employment? What factors contribute to a ...
    • Communication and language 

      Berent, P.; Samar, V.; Parasnis, Ila; Caccamise, Frank; Mitchell, M.; Reeves, June; Herald, S.; Burch, D.; Lang, Harry; Newell, William; Finton, L.; Fischer, Susan; Delhorne, L.; Reed, C.; Gough, B.; Foster, Susan; Gustina, Donna; Mowl, Gary; Liu, Y.; Marschark, Marc; LePoutre, D.; Bement, L.; Metz, D.; Gustafson, M.; Monikowski, Christine; Holcomb, B.; Stinson, M.; Stokoe, W.; Stuckless, R. (National Technical Institute for the Deaf: Department of Educational Resources, 2000)
      What characteristics distinguish learners who are deaf or hard of hearing from their hearing classmates? What factors or conditions increase a deaf person's access to school and employment? What factors contribute to a ...
    • Educational issues 

      Albertini, John; Lang, Harry; De Filippo, C.; Dagel, D.; Foster, Susan; McKee, Barbara; Barefoot, Sidney; Eilers-Crandall, Kathleen; Gustafson, M.; Egelston-Dodd, Judy; Himmelstein, J.; Kelly, Ronald; Mousley, Keith; Stinson, M.; Kavanagh, Firoza; Liu, Y.; Basile, Mary; Licata, C.; MacLeod-Gallinger, Janet; Long, Gary; Richardson, J.; Marschark, Marc; Monikowski, Christine; Winston, E.; Newell, William; Parasnis, Ila; Samar, V.; Berent, Gerald; Stefanich, G.; Norman, K.; Antia, S.; Whitmire, K.; Stone, J. (National Technical Institute for the Deaf: Department of Educational Resources, 2000)
      What characteristics distinguish learners who are deaf or hard of hearing from their hearing classmates? What factors or conditions increase a deaf person's access to school and employment? What factors contribute to a ...
    • Language and literacy 

      Albertini, John; Lang, Harry; Schley, Sara; Baillargeon, M.; McLeod, A.; Metz, D.; Schiavetti, N.; Whitehead, R.; Berent, Gerald; Clymer, E.; Samar, V.; Parasnis, Ila; Cuculick, J.; Kelly, Ronald; De Filippo, C.; Lansing, C.; Fischer, Susan; Foster, Susan; Gustina, Donna; Senior, G.; Gaustad, Martha; Payne, John-Allen; Lylak, Eugene; Kardach, J.; Wincowski, R.; Hillenbrand, J.; Marschark, Marc; Convertino, Carol; McEvoy, C.; Masteller, Allison; Lukomski, J.; MacKenzie, Douglas; Baillargeon, M.; Wellbrock, G.; Brown, Scott; Borges, J.; Rivera, S.; Schultz, Cindy; Toscano, Rose; McKee, Barbara; LePoutre, D.; Whitehead, B.; Weglarski, A.; Sewall, A.; Yang, J. (National Technical Institute for the Deaf: Department of Educational Resources, 2004)
      The summaries of NTID research are organized according to the five main areas of research activity at the Institute: Language and Literacy, Teaching and Learning, Sociocultural Influences, Career Development, and Technology ...
    • Language and literacy 

      Albertini, John; Schley, Sara; Baillargeon, M.; McLeod, A.; Metz, D.; Schiavetti, N.; Whitehead, R.; Berent, Gerald; Caccamise, Frank; Lang, Harry; Mitchell, M.; Hearld, S.; Reeves, June; Burch, D.; Poor, Geoffrey; Carr, Joan; Gaustad, Martha; Kelly, Ronald; Payne, John-Allen; Lylak, Eugene; Kardach, J.; Wincowski, R.; Hillenbrand, J.; Shannon, N.; Marschark, Marc; Convertino, Carol; McEvoy, C.; Masteller, Allison; MacKenzie, Douglas; Samar, V.; Parasnis, Ila; Brown, Scott; Borges, J.; Rivera, S.; Schultz, Cindy; Wellbrock, G. (National Technical Institute for the Deaf: Department of Educational Design Resources, 2005)
      In a companion publication, NTID Papers and Publications, we present a comprehensive summary of NTID research. In this publication, Implications of NTID Research, we select research that more immediately relates to the ...
    • Language and literacy 

      Albertini, John; Ehrhardt, E.; Strauss, H.; Lang, Harry; Schley, Sara; Berent, I.; Berent, Gerald; Clymer, E.; Samar, V.; Parasnis, Ila; Caccamise, Frank; Mitchell, M.; Newell, William; Mumford, Bonnie; Hoke, L.; Fischer, Susan; Delhorne, L.; Reed, C.; Foster, Susan; Gustina, Donna; Senior, G.; Gough, B.; Shannon, N.; Mousley, Keith; Davis, S.; Dowaliby, Fred; Stokoe, W.; Lukomski, J.; LePoutre, D.; Bement, L.; McEvoy, C.; Neslon, D.; Reeves, June; Holcomb, B.; Stinson, M.; Schiavetti, N.; Whitehead, R.; Whitehead, B.; Singleton, J.; Supalla, S.; Litchfield, S.; Snell, K.; Frisina, D. Robert; Hu, H.; Mapes, F.; Marschark, Marc; Hickman, E.; Toscano, Rose; Lepoutre, D.; D'Avonzo, S.; Grazionao, T.; Weglarski, A.; Sewall, A.; Winston, E.; Monikowski, Christine (National Technical Institute for the Deaf: Department of Educational Resources, 2002)
    • Language and literacy 

      Berent, Gerald; Samar, V.; Parasnis, Ila; Caccamise, Frank; Newell, William; Fennell, D.; Carr, N.; Updegraff, D.; Tebo, A.; Mitchell, M.; Reeves, June; Herald, S.; Burch, D.; Lang, Harry; Fischer, Susan; Delhorne, L.; Reeves, June; Albertini, John; McEvoy, C.; Marschark, Marc; Nelson, D.; Metz, D.; Gustafson, M. (National Technical Institute for the Deaf: Department of Educational Resources, 2002)
    • NTID Research Bulletin 

      Marschark, Marc; Stuckless, R.; Kovalik, Gail (Center for Research, Teaching and Learning, 1997)
    • NTID Research Bulletin 

      Marschark, Marc; Whitehead, R.; Albertini, John; Bochner, Joseph; Dowaliby, Fred (Center for Research, Teaching and Learning, 1997)
    • NTID Research Bulletin 

      Marschark, Marc; Lang, Harry; Parasnis, Ila (Center for Research, Teaching and Learning, 1996)
    • NTID Research Bulletin 

      Marschark, Marc; MacLeod-Gallinger, Janet; Clymer, William; MacKenzie, Douglas (Center for Research, Teaching and Learning, 1997)
      Table of Contents (TO BE ADDED AFTER SUBMISSION): Mind the gap! - Deaf adults who are ethnic minorities: How do they fare? - CU-SeeMe desktop videoconferencing as used by deaf students - Notes of Note
    • NTID Research Bulletin 

      DeFilippo, Carol; Marschark, Marc; Long, Gary; Stinson, M.; Kelly, Ronald; Liu, Yufang (Center for Research, Teaching and Learning, 1998)
    • NTID Research Bulletin 

      Dowaliby, Fred; Lang, Harry; Marschark, Marc; Foster, Susan; Kelly, Ronald; Stinson, M. (Center for Research, Teaching and Learning, 1999)
    • NTID Research Bulletin 

      Samar, V.; Marschark, Marc; Monikowski, Christine; Clymer, William; Long, Gary (Center for Research, Teaching and Learning, 1999)
    • NTID Research Bulletin 

      Foster, Susan; Long, Gary; Porter, Jeffrey; Marschark, Marc; Convertino, Carol (Center for Research, Teaching and Learning, 2002)
    • NTID Research Bulletin 

      Marschark, Marc; Davila, Robert; Stuckless, Ross (Center for Research, Teaching and Learning, 1998-01-01)
    • NTID Research Bulletin 

      Marschark, Marc; McKee, Barbara; Stinson, M.; Giles, Pam; Samar, V. (Center for Research, Teaching and Learning, 1996)
    • NTID Research Bulletin 

      Marschark, Marc; Berent, Gerald; Fischer, Susan; Mousley, Keith; Kelly, Ronald (Center for Research, Teaching and Learning, 1996)
    • Raising and educating a deaf child : A comprehensive guide to the choices, controversies, and decisions faced by parents and educators 

      Marschark, Marc (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1997-05-01)
      Anyone who has a deaf child, has taught one, worked with one, or been one understands the kinds of challenges involved in growing up deaf. Like parents of any child who has special needs, parents of a deaf child want ...
    • Raising and educating a deaf child: A comprehensive guide to the choices, controversies, and decisions faced by parents and educators 

      Marschark, Marc (Oxford University Press, 1997-05-01)
      Anyone who has a deaf child, has taught one, worked with one, or been one understands the kinds of challenges involved in growing up deaf. Like parents of any child who has special needs, parents of a deaf child want ...