Now showing items 41-60 of 93

      Program Level Outcomes Assessment Plan for Proposed Online Certificate Program - User Experience Design & Development 12/19/13 [1]
      Proposal - Program Discontinuance Policy (Memo, Current E20.0, Revised E20.0, D01.6 (track changes, D01.6 (clean) 3-21-2019 [1]
      Proposal for New "Policy on Policies" November 1, 2012 [1]
      Proposal from Staff Council per the 2013-2014 Calendar Proposal #2 (change made to accommodate Labor Day Holiday) [1]
      Proposed 2015-2016 RIT Calendar (Proposal #2) [1]
      Proposed AAS Degree Program Civil Engineering Technology 12/05/2013 [1]
      Proposed B.S. in Digital Humanities and Social Sciences (AS Meeting on 12/11/2014) [1]
      Proposed BS Degree in Applied Technical Leadership (Full Proposal, Exec Summary and PPt) - will present to AS 5-15-2014 [1]
      Proposed BS Degree in Integrated Science & Entrepreneurship (Full Proposal, Executive Summary & ICC Letter of Recommendation) [1]
      Proposed charges for two Standing Committees (only FAC charge was approved, other one was dismisssed by J. Ettlie) [1]
      Proposed CIAS Online Advanced Certificate PPt for CIAS - 2/6/2014 [1]
      Proposed Class Scheduling Models (Initial, Alternative 1, Alternative 2, Sample) [1]
      Proposed Draft of the Standing Committee and Committee charges for AY2012-2013 [1]
      Proposed E13.1 Policy for January 10 2013 [2]
      Proposed E5.0 Policy for 2/06/2014 [1]
      Proposed E6.0.4 [1]
      Proposed Institute Promotion Review Committee and Motion included (brought to senate 01/20/2011) [1]
      Proposed MS in Computational Finance (PPt - March 20, 2014) [1]
      Proposed MS in Computational Finance - Documents to review for 3/20/2014 AS Meeting [1]
      Proposed NTID AS Degree Program in Applied Science and ICC's Letter of Recommendation 10-05-2017 [1]