Now showing items 3-22 of 1827

    • Distorter 

      Yahtzee, Ken M.; Hussonofabitch; Van Penis, James; Hun, Thomas "Thirsty"; Sullivan, Ed; Pisser, Wendy; Sandwich, Reuben; Hardhatrick, Thomas; Martini, Ann "Lush"; Siesta, Tom; Wornout, Michael; Kenny, Brown-Nose; Barberpole, Buzz; Helium, Kathleen; Benet, Boomer; Skillet, Texas (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1981-04-01)
    • Distorter 

      Burntout, Lowest; Creamer, Power; van Penis, Jim; Ramone, Raj "Boom"; Raygun, Gary "Stud"; Martian, Assward; NumbNuts, Jim; Gordon, Flesh; Queensley, Demark; Hamburger, Lettuce; Horseshits, David; Gerlatric, Tony; Fitzgerald, F. Scott; Sandwich, Reuben; Siesta, Tom "Pure Porn"; Hardprick, Thomas; Pinafore, Skirted; Lowlife, Jamie; Branch, Tree (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1982-04-01)
    • Distorter 

      Ardour, Dan; Curcub, Ray; O'Barnigan, Seamus; Thunderbiscuit, Dominique; Vagilik, Precious; Yates, Fletcher (2010-04-01)
    • Distorter 

      Bicepstrong, Elouise; Brownstone, Clyde; Channel, Verface; Darie, Bern; Goode, Mark; Heafty, Heafty; Herp, Dovod; Koch, Brandy; Mandicencio, Madra; McDermott, Pseudonym; McFluffer, Kensington; McFly, Milligan; McSleighbell, Willie; Operator, Smooth; Quibblestick, Vladimir; Sloshed, Les; Wattson, Detective (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2011-04-01)
    • Distorter 

      Loser, Germ; Longneck; Stocking, Snott; Alley, Kevin G.; Wanstmost, She; Vicious, Kid; Lovesterry, Tony; Killer, Guy; Montinieri, Jewels; Pullsalloff, Lori; Crocked, Veterans R.; Johnson, Tracie; Mine, I. Want (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1984-04-01)
    • Distorter 

      Pillar, Drugless; Popper, Hoola; Brainaic, D.M.; Hamberger, 29¢; Jewster, Dwarf; The Monkey', 'Shock; Hurwick, D.; Conehead, Steve; Woe, Rich O Dreadful; James, Jesse; Dagger, Mikey; Knieierermer, Terry; Pickle, Dill; Who, Vernus; McCrimson, Yapper; PowerPlay, JewBen; 'Pure Porn', Tom; Halfprick, Thomas; Guys, Youse; With Andre, Dinner; Down, Kneel; Stocky and Stocky (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1983-04-01)
    • Distorter 

      Spinach, Fratter; Sucksem, Scrod; Bronson, Traceme; Bird on the floor; Slopster, Don; Amastud, Printer; Crummings, Mystery; Gently, Kiss Mike; Looserack, Saul; Flick, Pick N'; Dong, Ding; Waiters, Hip; Clearman, Joe (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1985-04-01)

      Bailey, Howard; Bunis, Daryl; Clements, Emily; Hargrove, Frank; Hobbie, A.C.; Hobbie, Mary; Jarvis, Thomas; Jennings, Richard F.; Kaplan, Leo; Kennedy, Louis; Kent, Henry; Lackiewiecz, A.; Landau, Regina; Lynch, Rawley; Murray, A.; Strickland, Claire; Taylor, Ruth L.; Waid, Lou; Woodward, Ruth; Wright, Marion (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1929-11-30)

      Dudley, "Cy"; Carr, George; Commerford, Thomas; Doan, Keith; Durofehal, Jenny; Foster, Charles; Foster, Charles W.; Hilton, Geraldine; Humstone, Dorothy; Jameson, Phil; Littlejohn, Barbara; MacIntosh, Norman; Miner, Kenn; Nichols, Burr; Niver, Kenn; Penci, Esther; Schutt, Thelma; Shaughnessy, Helen; Smith, Crea; Sooy, Betty; Thum, Bernice; Walters, Elizabeth; Wyne, Adrian Van; Yoffee, Herman (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1929-03-29)

      Anderson, J. D.; Bennett, Jack; Dodson, Dorothy; Grove, Samuel; Hall, Irving; Hilton, Geraldine; Hooker, James G.; Littlejohn, Barbara; Lomb, Carl F.; Payne, Margy Lou; Penci, Esther; Randall, John A.; Shaughnessy, Helen; Thum, Bernice; Yoffee, Herman; Zardne, Frederick; Wyne, Adrian Von (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1928-10-12)

      Beal, Charles; Comerford, Thomas; Jarvis, Thomas; Jennings, Richard; Kaplan, Leo; Langhans, Rose Anne; McCarthy, Thomas; Paul, Bernard; Payne, Marcy Lou; Slawson, Cora; Wolff, Harold; Woods, Alberta; Camp., Pauline Frances; Hilty, Bernadine; Selected; Warren, William (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1930-10-03)
    • The PSIMAR 

      Deersam, Shirley; Malara, Pat; Preston, Neil; DeWitt, Frank; DeVolder, Jeanne; Ansberger, Mari-Jane; Geisinger, Ruth June; Willis, David; Young, Rosemary; Johns, Donald; Hanna, Jack; Howden, Ed; Johnson, Mary; Coe, Barbara; Crawford, Bruce; Gray, Elizabeth; Knebel, Alfred (1942-04-24)

      Auer, Clarence R.; Bunis, Daryl; Capers, Letitia; Closs, G. F.; Hobbie, A. C.; Jennings, Richard; Kaplan, Leo; Kent, Henry; Lackiewicz, A.; Slowson, Cora; Strickland, Claire; Thomson, Ernest; Waid, Louella; Wright, Marion (Rochester Institute of Technology, 3/18/1930)

      Cala, Charles F.; Sue; Brown, Clifford; Bunis, Daryl; Closs, G. F.; Hobbie, A. C.; Hobbie, Mary; Jennings, Richard; Kaplan, Leo; Kent, Henry; Lackiewicz, A.; Waid, Louella; Woodward, Ruth; Wright, Marion (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1/24/1930)

      Bantleon, B.D.; Conroy, C.C.; Ellingson, Mark; Foster, R.H.; Lackiewiez, A.; Law, Gordon; Paul, Bernard; Scudder, Bill; Strickland, Claire; Ballarian, Anna; Capers, Letitia; Jarvis, T.J.; Klump, H.J.; Paul, Bernard; Slawson, Cora; Tuttle, Herbert; Wolff, H.O. (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1930-11-25)

      Bacon, Ruth Hills; Halsted, Floyd L.; Capers, Letitia; Elliot, Jack; Hobbie, A. C.; Hooker, James; Jennings, Richard; Kent, Henry; McCarthy, Thomas; Murry, Jack; Slawson, Cora; Strickland, Claire; Waid, Louella; Woods, Alberta (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1930-05-16)

      Brown, Clifford; Bunis, Daryl; Closs, G. F.; Hobbie, A. C.; Hobbie, Mary; Jennings, Richard; Kaplan, Leo; Kent, Henry; Lackiewicz, A.; Waid, Louella; Woodward, Ruth; Wright, Marion (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1930-02-20)

      Bantleon, B.D.; Conroy, C.C.; Foster, R.H.; Lackiewiez, A.; Strickland, Claire; Tuttle, Herbert; Bantleon, B.D.; Beal, Charles; Brodie, H.J.; Carr, Ted; Coleman, Albert; Ellingson, Mark; Hooey, Lotta; Jennings, Richard; Paul, Bernard; Shotmeyer, Bill; Slawson, Cora; Tuttle, Herbert (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1930-10-31)

      Johns, A. A.; Bennett, Jack; Durofchalk, Jenny; Fagan, Jayne; Hilton, Geraldine; Humstone, Dorothy; Jameson, Phil; Littlejohn, Barbara; Moskal, John; Nichols, Burr; Payne, Margy Lou; Shaughnessy, Helen; Stuckie, Evelyn; Wyne, Adrian Von; Yoffee, Herman (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1929-02-14)

      Beech, Wrecks; Cala, Charles; Humstone, Dorothy; Klitgord, Agnes; Littlejohn, Barbara; Penci, Esther; Richards, Carol; Richards, Lawrence; Schutt, Thelma; Shaughnessy, Helen; Smith, Crea; Wyne, Adrian Van; Yoffee, Herman (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1929-05-09)