Now showing items 1-20 of 22

    • Reporter 

      Gardner, Art; Guevara, Fred; Gross, Edward; Ortleb, George (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1959-02-24)
    • Reporter 

      Guevara, Fred; Ortleb, George; Gross, Edward; Hoeffler, Mack (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1958-10-10)
    • Reporter 

      Guevara, Fred; Ortleb, George; Gross, Edward (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1958-10-24)
    • Reporter 

      Guevara, Fred; Gross, Edward; Ortleb, George; Hoeffler, Mack (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1958-11-21)
    • Reporter 

      Guevara, Fred; Gross, Edward; Ortleb, George; Hoeffler, Mack (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1958-12-19)
    • Reporter 

      Ellingson, Mark; Bahler, Mary; Clough, Roger; Gross, Edward; Ortleb, George; Humes, G. (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1959-01-16)
    • Reporter 

      Hoeffler, Mack; Guevara, Fred; Gross, Edward; Orleb, George (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1958-11-07)
    • Reporter 

      Guevara, Fred; Carlson, Jan; Gross, Edward; Ortleb, George (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1959-01-30)
    • RIT Reporter 

      Guevara, Fred; Gross, Edward; Ortleb, George (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1959-04-17)
    • RIT Reporter 

      Allen, Richard; Anderson, David; Burke, Pat; Coulter, Barbara; Fowles, Robert; Gross, Edward; Guevara, Alfred; Johnson, Paul; Lader, Phyllis; Lefkowitz, Gary; Levinson, Larry; Mack, Esther; Mariano, Kristine; Marx, Donald; Mitchell, Dorothy; Okun, Eugene; Rath, Mary Alice; Schubarth, Cromwell; Upton, Judy; Whitbourne, Richard (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1957-02-01)
    • RIT Reporter 

      Andrew, Doris; Evans, Ruth; Gleason, Judy; Gleason, Joan; Morrow, Pat; Birkner, John; Doren, Arne; Fogelman, Larry; Gross, Edward; Kochanowski, Bernard; Lattimore, John; McCoughey, William; Norton, John; Ortleb, George; Przybyla, Vincent (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1958-04-15)
    • RIT Reporter 

      Andrew, Doris; Evans, Ruth; Gleason, Joan; Morrow, Pat; Birkner, John; Doren, Arne; Fogelman, Larry; Gross, Edward; Kochanowski, Bernard; Lattimore, John; McCoughey, William; Norton, John; Ortleb, George; Przybyla, Vincent (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1958-03-14)
    • RIT Reporter 

      Andrew, Doris; Evans, Ruth; Gleason, Judy; Gleason, Joan; Morrow, Pat; Birkner, John; Doren, Arne; Fogelman, Larry; Gross, Edward; Kochanowski, Bernard; Lattimore, John; McCoughey, William; Norton, John; Ortleb, George; Przybyla, Vincent (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1958-03-28)
    • RIT Reporter 

      Guevara, Fred; Taugner, Bob; Gross, Edward; Ortleb, George (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1959-03-13)
    • RIT Reporter 

      Guevara, Fred; Brunt, Van; Fuller, John; Gross, Edward; Ortleb, George (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1959-03-20)
    • RIT Reporter 

      Andrew, Doris; Evans, Ruth; Gleason, Judy; Gleason, Joan; Morrow, Pat; Birkner, John; Doren, Arne; Fogelman, Larry; Gross, Edward; Kochanowski, Bernard; Lattimore, John; McCoughey, William; Norton, John; Ortleb, George; Przybyla, Vincent (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1958-05-02)
    • RIT Reporter 

      Allen, Richard; Anderson, David; Burke, Pat; Coulter, Barbara; Fowles, Robert; Gross, Edward; Guevara, Alfred; Johnson, Paul; Lader, Phyllis; Lefkowitz, Gary; Levinson, Larry; Mack, Esther; Mariano, Kristine; Marx, Donald; Mitchell, Dorothy; Okun, Eugene; Rath, Mary Alice; Schubarth, Cromwell; Upton, Judy; Whitbourne, Richard (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1957-05-03)
    • RIT Reporter 

      Andrew, Doris; Evans, Ruth; Gleason, Judy; Gleason, Joan; Morrow, Pat; Birkner, John; Doren, Arne; Fogelman, Larry; Gross, Edward; Kochanowski, Bernard; Lattimore, John; McCoughey, William; Norton, John; Ortleb, George; Przybyla, Vincent (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1958-04-01)
    • RIT Reporter 

      Allen, Richard; Anderson, David; Burke, Pat; Coulter, Barbara; Fowles, Robert; Gross, Edward; Guevara, Alfred; Johnson, Paul; Lader, Phyllis; Lefkowitz, Gary; Levinson, Larry; Mack, Esther; Mariano, Kristine; Marx, Donald; Mitchell, Dorothy; Okun, Eugene; Rath, Mary Alice; Schubarth, Cromwell; Upton, Judy; Whitbourne, Richard (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1957-02-15)
    • RIT Reporter 

      Allen, Richard; Anderson, David; Burke, Pat; Coulter, Barbara; Fowles, Robert; Gross, Edward; Guevara, Alfred; Johnson, Paul; Lader, Phyllis; Lefkowitz, Gary; Levinson, Larry; Mack, Esther; Mariano, Kristine; Marx, Donald; Mitchell, Dorothy; Okun, Eugene; Rath, Mary Alice; Schubarth, Cromwell; Upton, Judy; Whitbourne, Richard (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1957-04-12)