Now showing items 103-111 of 111

    • Starting energy and current for a large diameter finite length backward wave oscillator operated at the fundamental mode 

      Minami, K.; Ogura, K.; Aiba, Y.; Amin, M.; Zheng, X.; Watanabe, T.; Carmel, Y.; Destler, William; Granatstein, V. (©1995 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE., 1995-04)
      We study the starting conditions for a large diameter (diameter/wavelength = 4.8) finite length backward wave oscillator designed for 24-GHz operation at the fundamental T M o l mode. This geometry is very promising for ...
    • Studies of ion acceleration in a one meter laser controlled collective accelerator 

      Destler, William; Rodgers, J.; Striffler, C.; Yao, R. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1991)
      The basic concept behind the Laser Controlled Beamfront Experiment has been described in detail in previous reports(1,2) In the experiment, control over the propagation of a virtual cathode at the front of an intense ...
    • Studies of microwave radiation from a low-energy rotating electron beam in a multiresonator magnetron cavity 

      Chojnacki, E.; Destler, William; Lawson, W.; Namkung, W. (American institute of physics - Journal of applied physics, 1987-02-15)
      Presents a study on the generation of microwave radiation at high harmonics of the cyclotron frequency. Reasons for the interest in the configuration process; Theory of beam dynamics; Results of the experiments.
    • Studies of relativistic backward wave oscillators: Comparison bewteen theory and experiment 

      Levush, B.; Antonsen, T. Jr; Bromborsky, A.; Lou, W.; Abe, D.; Miller, S.; Carmel, Y.; Rodgers, J.; Granatstein, V.; Destler, William (SPIE, 1992)
      Microwave sources based on backward-wave oscillators driven by relativistic electron beams are capable of producing high power coherent radiation in the cm and mm wavelength regime. Although there have been a number of ...
    • Studies of single particle behavior in relativistic electron beam passage through a cusped magnetic field 

      Rhee, M.; Destler, William; Hudgins, D.; Reiser, M.; Uhm, H.; Zorn, G. (1973)
    • Studies of the helix controlled beam front accelerator concept 

      Destler, William; O'Shea, P.G.; Reiser, M.; Striffler, C.D.; Welsh, D.; Fleischmann, H.H. (IEEE - Transactions on Nuclear Science, 1983-08)
      Helix controlled collective ion acceleration involves the use of a helical slow wave structure to control the propagation velocity of an intense relativistic electron beam front, in which ions could be trapped and accelerated ...
    • Study of collective ion acceleration in vacuum 

      Destler, William; Uhm, H.; Kim, H.; Reiser, M. (American Institute of Physics, 1979-05)
      Theoretical and experimental studies of the collective acceleration of ions by a linear electron beam in an evacuated drift tube are presented. A one-dimensional theoretical model of the collective acceleration process ...
    • Theoretical and experimental investigations of the cyclotron interaction effect on relativistic backward wave oscillator operation 

      Levush, B.; Vlasov, A.; Nusinovich, G.; Bromborsky, A.; Antonsen, T. Jr; Miller, S.; Abe, D.; Lou, W.; Carmel, Y.; Destler, William; Granatstein, V. (SPIE, 1993)
      Microwave sources based on backward-wave oscillators (BWOs) driven by relativistic electron beams are capable of producing high power coherent radiation in the cm and mm wavelength region. When the axial magnetic field is ...
    • Wiggler focused relativistic sheet beam propagation in a planar free-electron laser configuration 

      Radack, D.; Booske, J.; Carmel, Y.; Destler, William (Copyright 1989 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics., 1989-11-13)
      The propagation of a relativistic sheet electron beam through a spatially periodic magnetic field (wiggler) has been studied experimentally. The wiggler serves two purposes; it provides beam focusing as well as the ...