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dc.contributor.authorDeelman, Ewa
dc.contributor.authorMetha, Gaurang
dc.contributor.authorVöckler, Jens-S.
dc.contributor.authorWilde, Mike
dc.contributor.authorZhao, Yong
dc.description.abstractThe kickstart executable is a light-weight program that is distributed as part of the GriPhyN Virtual Data System. It sits in between the remote scheduler and the executable, gathering additional information about the executable run-time behavior, including, but not limited to, the exit status of jobs and information to ease grid debugging, in a uniform fashion without assistance from the scheduling system. Kickstart provides the necessary information required by provenance tracking systems to accurately annotate data products. The authors believe kickstart is of value for anyone running applications on the Grid. We would like to make the community aware of its existence and benefits.
dc.description.sponsorshipACM, IEEEen_US
dc.relationRIT Scholars content from RIT Digital Media Library has moved from to RIT Scholar Works, please update your feeds & links!
dc.subjectGrid debuggingen_US
dc.subjectGriPhyN virtual data systemen_US
dc.subjectKickstart executableen_US
dc.subjectProvenance tracking systemsen_US
dc.titleKickstarting remote applications

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)

  • International Workshop on Grid Computing Environments--Open Access (2006)
    The purpose of this Workshop is to bring together the community to discuss and foster the exchange of ideas for the development of tools, methodologies and frameworks to build Grid computing environments. Last year’s conference at SC05 focussed on tools for Grid Portals. This years conference will broaden the discussion to also include efforts of other tools that make the development and use of Grids more easily accessible from the desktop.

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