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dc.contributor.authorAnderson, Scott
dc.contributor.authorHaggard, Daryl
dc.contributor.authorHomer, Lee
dc.contributor.authorJoshi, Nikhil
dc.contributor.authorMargon, Bruce
dc.contributor.authorSilvestri, Nicole
dc.contributor.authorSzkody, Paula
dc.contributor.authorWolfe, Michael
dc.contributor.authorAgol, Eric
dc.contributor.authorBecker, Andrew
dc.contributor.authorHenden, Arne
dc.contributor.authorHall, Patrick
dc.contributor.authorKnapp, Gillian
dc.contributor.authorRichmond, Michael
dc.contributor.authorSchneider, Donald
dc.contributor.authorStinson, Gregory
dc.contributor.authorBarentine, John
dc.contributor.authorBrewington, Howard
dc.contributor.authorBrinkmann, Jonanthan
dc.contributor.authorHarvanek, Michael
dc.contributor.authorKleinman, Scott
dc.contributor.authorKrzesinski, Jurek
dc.contributor.authorLong, Dan
dc.contributor.authorNeilsen, Eric
dc.contributor.authorNitta, Atsuko
dc.contributor.authorSnedden, Stephanie
dc.identifier.citationThe Astronomical Journal 130 (2008) 2230-2236en_US
dc.descriptionRIT community members may access full-text via RIT Libraries licensed databases:
dc.description.abstractAM CVn systems are a rare (about a dozen previously known) class of cataclysmic variables, arguably encompassing the shortest orbital periods (down to about 10 minutes) of any known binaries. Both binary components are thought to be degenerate (or partially so), likely with mass-transfer from a helium-rich donor onto a white dwarf, driven by gravitational radiation. Although rare, AM CVn systems are of high interest as possible SN Ia progenitors, and because they are predicted to be common sources of gravity waves in upcoming experiments such as LISA. We have identified four new AM CVn candidates from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectral database. All four show hallmark spectroscopic characteristics of the AM CVn class: each is devoid of hydrogen features, and instead shows a spectrum dominated by helium. All four show double-peaked emission, indicative of helium-dominated accretion disks. Limited time-series CCD photometric follow-on data have been obtained for three of the new candidates from the ARC 3.5m; most notably, a 28.3 minute binary period with sharp, deep eclipses is discovered in one case, SDSS J0926+3624. This is the first confirmed eclipsing AM CVn, and our data allow initial estimates of binary parameters for this ultracompact system. The four new SDSS objects also provide a substantial expansion of the currently critically-small sample of AM CVn systems.en_US
dc.publisherAmerican Astronomical Society - The Astronomical Journalen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesvol. 130en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesno. 5en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriespss. 2230-2236en_US
dc.subjectBinaries - closeen_US
dc.subjectBinaries - eclipsingen_US
dc.subjectnovae, catraclysmic variablesen_US
dc.subjectWhite dwarfsen_US
dc.subjectStarts - individual (SDSS J092638.71+362402.4)en_US
dc.titleUltracompact AM CVn Binaries from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: three candidates plus the first confirmed Eclipsing Systemen_US

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