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dc.contributor.advisorSchweppe, Marla
dc.contributor.advisorSmith, Adam
dc.contributor.advisorLachance, Patti
dc.contributor.authorAlquraini, Ali
dc.description.abstractSiamese fighting fish also known as “Betta fish” is one of the most well known fresh water fish around the world. Their beautiful colors and long finnage is one of the reasons in which most people are familiar with these fish. Also their unique labyrinth organ that helps this fish to get oxygen from the air made it easy for people to adopt. Over the past five years, I have been adopting Bettas from different countries around the world such as Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and United States. During this time I have met a lot of Betta lovers which made me notice how they were really interested in breeding these creatures. But the problem is undertaking a Betta spawning project is a bit more of a challenge for people who are new to this field. I researched both books and online websites trying to find an answer for this question which made me discover that this area is lacking in Interactive web content. Therefore, I will try to use my design skills to help improving Betta fish lover’s websites by creating an online website that allows you to try the experience of breeding Bettas interactively. If flash interactivity were used in this field, will it be the best choice for people to easily understand the process of breeding Bettas and learn more about them? My thesis is an exploration in designing online content that uses multiple media formats to support Betta fish breeding. Divided in to four main sections, this thesis will offer general information about Betta fish, will explain their diet and how to take a good care of them, will offer an interactive high quality image gallery, and will allow the user to try and breed Bettas interactively in order to make him succeed in it in real time.en_US
dc.relationRIT Scholars content from RIT Digital Media Library has moved from to RIT Scholar Works, please update your feeds & links!
dc.subjectBetta fishen_US
dc.subjectBetta fish breedingen_US
dc.subjectFlash interactivityen_US
dc.subjectInteractive multimediaen_US
dc.subjectSiamese fighting fishen_US
dc.subject.lccQA76.9.I58 A57 2008
dc.subject.lcshInteractive multimedia--Designen_US
dc.subject.lcshComputer graphics--Designen_US
dc.subject.lcshSiamese fighting fish--Breeding--Interactive multimediaen_US
dc.subject.lcshComputer-assisted instruction--Designen_US
dc.titleBreeding Bettas: an interactive study to the breeding and caring of Siamese fighting fishen_US
dc.description.collegeCollege of Imaging Arts and Sciencesen_US
dc.description.departmentSchool of Designen_US
dc.contributor.advisorChairJackson, Chris

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