Now showing items 34-53 of 175

    • Convocation Remarks: 2004 

      Simone, Albert (2004-05-21)
      For the past year, the RIT community – faculty, staff, and students working together – have been developing the Strategic Plan which will carry RIT over the next ten years. Five Task Forces, composed of 340 faculty, staff, ...
    • Convocation Remarks: 2005 

      Simone, Albert (2005-05-20)
      Graduates: I’d like to talk with you about the career success that awaits you. More importantly, I would like to talk to you about the success over a full life that is beckoning.
    • Demonstration of efficiency enhancement in a high-power backward-wave oscillator by plasma injection 

      Carmel, Y.; Minami, K.; Kehs, R.; Destler, William; Granatstein, V.; Abe, D.; Lou, W. (American Physical Society, 1989-05-15)
      An experimental demonstration of a strong enhancement of the interaction efficiency in a high-power relativistic backward-wave oscillator when plasma is injected is presented. Controlled plasma injection enhances the ...
    • Demonstration of efficiency enhancement on a high-power backward-wave oscillator by plasma injection 

      Carmel, Y.; Minami, K.; Kehs, R.; Destler, William; Granatstein, V.; Abe, D.; Lou, W. (American Physical Society, 1989)
      An experimental demonstration of a strong enhancement of the interaction efficiency in a high-power relativistic backward-wave oscillator when plasma is injected is presented. Controlled plasma injection enhances the ...
    • Depressed collectors for a large orbit gyrotron 

      Singh, A.; Goutos, D.; Hix, W.; Lawson, W.; Striffler, C.; Granatstein, V.; Destler, William (1987-12)
      An auxiliary magnetic cusp transforms rotational motion in the spent beam of a Large-Orbit Gyrotron into axial motion. Results regarding the interfacing of this cusp with a depressed collector region and the effects ...
    • Design of a high-efficiency low voltage axially modulated cusp-injected second-harmonic x-band gyrotron amplifier 

      Lawson, W.; Grigoropoulos, A.; Liu, A.; Saraph, G.; Rodgers, J.; Destler, William (©1996 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE., 1996-06)
      We present the theoretical design of a secondharmonic small-orbit gyrotron amplifier which utilizes the interaction between a 35-kV 4-A beam and a TEoll cavity to produce over 70 kW of amplified power at 9.9 GHz in a ...
    • Design of a low-voltage, axially modulated, cusp-injected, third harmonic, x-band gyrotron amplifier experiment 

      Liu, Arnold; Lawson, Wes; Fernandez, Anna; Rodgers, John; Destler, William (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1997-11)
      We present the design of a prebunched, third harmonic small-orbit gyrotron experiment that utilizes a 45 kV, 8 A beam to produce over 185 kW of amplified power at 9.9 GHz in a 1.23 kG magnetic field. We detail the design ...
    • Design of a short-period-wiggler free electron laser experiment 

      Booske, J.; Antonsen, T. Jr; Bengston, D.; Bluem, H.; Destler, William; Granatstein, V.; Latham, P.; Mayergoyz, I.; Radack, D.; Rosenbury, T.; Striffler, C. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1987-06)
    • Design of an efficient, low voltage, third harmonic, large-orbit gyrotron amplifier with a vane-resonator output cavity 

      Lawson, Wes; Destler, William; Fernandez, Anna; Liu, Arnold; Rodgers, J.; Weinstein, Jonathan (©1996 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE., 1996-06)
      We present the design of a 100 kW, J-band, third harmonic large-orbit gyrotron amplifier which utilizes the interaction between a 45 kV, 4 A beam and a vane resonator output cavity operating in the “?r”-mode. An efficiency ...
    • Design of high-average-power near-millimeter free electron laser oscillators using short-period wigglers and sheet electron beams 

      Booske, John; Radack, Daniel; Antonsen, Thomas; Bidwell, Steven; Carmel, Yuval; Destler, William; Freund, Henry; Granatsein, Victor; Latham, Peter; Levush, Baruch; Mayergoyz, Isaak; Serbeto, A. (©1990 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE., 1990-06)
      The design and feasibility of a I-MW continuous wave (CW) free electron laser (FEL) oscillator are reviewed. The proposed configuration will include a short-period (1" - I cm) planar wiggler. a sheet electron beam, a ...
    • Diversity Perspectives 

      Filipowicz, Christa; Kelley, Amanda; Whitmore, Sandy; White, Kim (Chief Diversity Officer in conjunction with the President’s Commission on Pluralism & Inclusion, 2010)
    • Diversity Perspectives 

      Filipowicz, Christa; Kelley, Amanda; Whitmore, Sandy; White, Kim (Chief Diversity Officer in conjunction with the President’s Commission on Pluralism & Inclusion, 2009-10)
    • Diversity Perspectives 

      Woodruff-Whitmore, Sandra; Riordan, Michael; Filipowicz, Christa; DeRooy, Stacey; Roethel, Sue; Cometa, Michelle; D’Arcangelo, Michael (Chief Diversity Officer in conjunction with the President’s Commission on Pluralism and Inclusion, 2008-04)
    • Diversity Perspectives 

      Filipowicz, Christa; Kelley, Amanda (Chief Diversity Officer in conjunction with the President’s Commission on Pluralism and Inclusion, 2009-09)
    • Diversity Perspectives 

      Cometa, Michelle; Filipowicz, Christa; D’Archangelo, Michael; DeRooy, Stacy; Riordan, Michael; Roethel, Sue; Whitmore, Sandra (Council on Diversity, 2007-12)
    • Diversity Perspectives 

      Filipowicz, Christa; Roethel, Sue (Chief Diversity Officer in conjunction with the President’s Commission on Pluralism and Inclusion, 2008-12)
    • Diversity Perspectives 

      Filipowicz, Christa; Roethel, Sue (Council on Diversity, 2008-09)
    • Efficiency enhancement by using depressed collector techniques in devices employing gyrating electron beams 

      Singh, Amarjit; Chojnacki, E.; Destler, William; Goutos, D.; Granatstein, V.; Lawson, W.; Striffler, C. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1987-06)
    • Electromagentic properties of corrugated and smooth waveguides filled with radially inhomogeneous plasma 

      Shkvarunets, A.; Kobayashi, S.; Weaver, J.; Carmel, Y.; Rodgers, J.; Antonsen, T. Jr; Granatstein, V.; Destler, William (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1996)
      No abstract found.