Now showing items 1-10 of 56
Approximating rings with local units via automorphisms
(Springer Verlag, 1999-02)
For a ring A with local units we investigate unital overrings T of A, and compare the
automorphism groups Aut(A) and Aut(T ).
C6.0 Policy Prohibiting Discrimination and Harassment Rev. 1999-01-20
(Rochester Institute of Technology, 1999-01-20)
I to my selfe am strange
(Associated University Presses, 1999)
The Isomorphism problem for incidence rings
(University of California, 1999)
Let P and P’ be finite preordered sets, and let R be a ring
for which the number of nonzero summands in a direct decomposition
of the regular module RR is bounded. We show
that if the incidence rings I(P;R) and I(P’;R) ...
Actions of picard groups on graded rings
(Elsevier, 1999)
No abstract found.
Experimental studies of overmoded relativistic backward-wave oscillators
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1998-06)
Internal field-emission breakdown in the electrodynamic
structures of high-power microwave (HPM) devices can
seriously limit the device’s output power and pulse duration.
Increasing the diameter of the electrodynamic ...
Microwave generation in a high voltage triggered pseudospark discharge experiment
(American Institute of Physics, 1998-04-01)
A set of five experiments to study the microwave emission accompanying the high voltage pseudospark discharge are reported. The generation of the microwaves in all cases but one is attributed to electron beam-plasma ...
Intense charged particle beam propagation into vacuum
(SPIE, 1998-01)
The propagation of intense charged particle beams into vacuum without the aid of
externally applied confining magnetic fields is under investigation both theoretically and
experimentally. In the configuration under study ...
Design of a low-voltage, axially modulated, cusp-injected, third harmonic, x-band gyrotron amplifier experiment
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1997-11)
We present the design of a prebunched, third harmonic
small-orbit gyrotron experiment that utilizes a 45 kV, 8
A beam to produce over 185 kW of amplified power at 9.9 GHz
in a 1.23 kG magnetic field. We detail the design ...
Isomorphisms of row and column finite matrix rings
(American Mathmatical Society, 1997-06)
This paper investigates the ring-theoretic similarities and the cate-
gorical dissimilarities between the ring RFM(R) of row finite matrices and the
ring RCFM(R) of row and column finite matrices. For example, we prove ...