Now showing items 58-77 of 144

    • Free electron laser pumped by a powerful traveling electromagnetic wave 

      Kehs, R.; Carmel, Yuval; Granatstein, Victor; Destler, William (©1990 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE., 1990-06)
      A three-wave free-electron laser (FEL) was operated with a powerful 8.4-GHz electromagnetic “pump” wave replacing the usual magnetostatic wiggler. The presence of a uniform axial magnetic field B,, produced cyclotron-harmonic ...
    • Free electron laser with small period wiggler and sheet electron beam: A Study of the feasibility of operation at 300 GHz with 1 MW CW output power 

      Booske, J.; Granatstein, Victor; Antonsen, T.; Destler, William; Finn, J.; Latham, P.; Levush, B.; Mayergoyz, I.; Radack, D.; Rodgers, J. (1989)
      The use of a small period wiggler (Cw < 1 cm) together with a sheet electron beam has been proposed as a low cost source of power for electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) in magnetic fusion plasmas. Other potential ...
    • A fundamental mode, high-power, large-orbit gyrotron using a rectangular interaction region 

      Radack, D.J.; Ramaswamy, K.; Destler, William; Rodgers, J. (American Institute of Physics, 1993-06-15)
      This paper reports on experimental and theoretical studies of a fundamental mode, large-orbit gyrotron oscillator designed to produce high-power radiation in the rectangular TE,a mode at about 650 MHz. A basic linear ...
    • Generation and suppression of microwave radiation in the Maryland ERA 

      Destler, William; Dias-Bandaranaike, R.; Hudgins, D.; Kawasaki, S.; Reiser, M.; Rhee, M. (1976)
    • Grade inflation 

      Simone, Albert (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2005-11)
      Recently, a lot of discussion across academia has centered on the phenomenon of “Grade Inflation”. It was first brought to the fore by the President of Harvard University a couple of years ago when he assumed office. ...
    • High beta, collision-free shock experiments 

      Destler, William; Morse, D. (1971-11-17)
    • High power high brightness electron beam generation in a pulse-line driven pseudospark discharge 

      Destler, William; Segalov, Z.; Rodgers, J.; Ramaswamy, K.; Reiser, M. (IEEE, 1993-05-17)
      High brightness (~3×1010 A/m2rad2 ), high power density (~1010 W/cm2) electron beams have been generated by the mating of a hollow-cathode discharge device operating in the pseudospark regime to the output of a high power ...
    • High power microwave generation from a large orbit gyrotron* 

      Lawson, W.; Destler, William; Striffler, C.D. (IEEE - Transactions on Nuclear Science, 1985-10)
      A study of the production of high power microwave radiation from a large orbit gyrotron in azimuthally periodic boundary systems has been conducted. Linear growth rates have been calculated for the 2¿ modes of magnetron-like ...
    • High power microwave generation from rotating e-layers in magnetron-type conducting boundary systems 

      Striffler, C.D.; Destler, William; Kulkarni, R.; Weiler, R.L. (IEEE - Transactions on Nuclear Science, 1983-08)
      Studies of the production of microwave and millimeter wave radiation at high harmonics of the relativistic electron cyclotron frequency by the interaction of a rotating E-layer with a multiresonator magnetron boundary ...
    • High power plasma filled backward wave oscillators 

      Destler, William; Minami, K.; Lou, W.; Carmel, Y.; Granatstein, V.; Kehs, R. (SPIE, 1988-01)
      Relativistic backward wave oscillators (BWOs) have proven to be relatively efficient, high-power microwave sources in the centimeter wavelength range. Recent Soviet results have indicated that the use of a background ...
    • High power RF amplifiers for accelerator applications: The Large orbit Gyrotron and the high current, space charge enhanced relativistic klystron 

      Stringfield, R.; Fazio, M.; Rickel, D.; Kwan, T.; Peratt, A.; Kinross-Wright, J.; Van Haaften, F.; Hoeberling, R.; Faehl, R.; Carlsten, B.; Destler, William; Warner, L. (1990-10-23)
      Los Alamos is investigating a number of high power microwave (RPM) sources for their potential to power advanced accelerators. Included in this investigation are the large orbit gyrotron amplifier• and oscillator (LOG) ...
    • High power, high brightness electron beam generation in a pulse-line driven pseudospark discharge 

      Destler, William; Segalov, Z.; Rodgers, J.; Ramaswamy, K.; Reiser, M. (IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics, 1993)
      High brightness (m 3 x 10" A/m2rad2), high power density (- 1O1O W/cm2) electron beams have been generated by the mating of a hollow-cathode discharge device operating in the pseudospark regime to the output of a high ...
    • High-average-power CW FELs for application to plasma heating designs and experiments 

      Booske, J.; Granatstein, V.; Radack, D.; Antonsen, T.; Bidwell, S.; Carmel, Y.; Destler, William; Latham, O.; Levush, B.; Mayergoyz, I.; Zhang, Z. (IEEE, 1990)
      A short-period-wiggler (period - 1 cm), sheet-beam FEL has been proposed as a low-cost source of high-average-power (1 MW) millimeter-wave radiation for plasma heating and space-based radar applications. Recent calculations ...
    • A High-power backward-wave oscillator driven by a relativistic electron beam 

      Kehs, Alan; Bromborsky, Alan; Ruth, B.G.; Graybill, S.E.; Destler, William; Carmel, Y.C.; Wang, M.C. (IEEE - Transactions on plasma science, 1985-12)
      A high-power backward-wave oscillator (BWO) has been constructed that is driven by a relativistic electron beam (REB). A typical electron beam of 2-4 kA is accelerated across a diode potential of 650-800 kV and then guided ...
    • High-power microwave generation by excitation of a plasma-filled rippled boundary resonator 

      Carmel, Yuval; Minami, K.; Lou, Weiran; Kehs, R.; Destler, William; Granatstein, Victor; Abe, D.; Rodgers, J. (©1990 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE., 1990-06)
      An experimental demonstration of a strong enhancement of the interaction efficiency in a high-power relativistic backward-wave oscillator when plasma is injected is presented. Controlled plasma injection enhances the ...
    • High-power microwave generation from large-orbit devices 

      Destler, William; Chojnacki, E.; Hoeberling, R.; Lawson, W.; Singh, A.; Striffler, C. (IEEE, 1988-04)
      Experimental and theoretical studies at the University of Maryland on the production of high-power microwave radiation in cusp-injected, large-orbit devices are reviewed. Three classes of devices belonging to this ...
    • A High-power millimeter-wave sheet beam free-electron laser amplifier 

      Cheng, Shiqiu; Destler, William; Granatstein, Victor; Antonsen, Thomas; Levush, Baruch; Rodgers, John; Zhang, Z. (©1996 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE., 1996-06)
      The results of experiments with a short period (9.6 mm) wiggler sheet electron beam (1.0 mm x 2.0 cm) millimeter-wave free electron laser (FEL) amplifier are presented. This FEL amplifier utilized a strong wiggler field ...
    • A High-voltage triggered pseudospark discharge experiment 

      Ramaswamy, K.; Destler, William; Rodgers, J. (American Institute of Physics, 1996-11-01)
      The design and execution of a pulsed high-voltage (350–400 keV) triggered pseudospark discharge experiment is reported. Experimental studies were carried out to obtain an optimal design for stable and reliable pseudospark ...
    • Intense charged particle beam propagation into vacuum 

      Destler, William; Striffler, C.; Segalov, Z.; Yao, R.; Zhang, X.; Rodgers, J. (SPIE, 1998-01)
      The propagation of intense charged particle beams into vacuum without the aid of externally applied confining magnetic fields is under investigation both theoretically and experimentally. In the configuration under study ...
    • Intense microwave generation from a non-neutral rotating E layer 

      Destler, William; Romero, H.; Striffler, C.; Weiler, R.; Namkung, W. (American Institute of Physics, 1981-04)
      The radiation produced by a hollow, non-neutral, rotating, relativistic E layer propagating inside a coaxial cylindrical drift tube has been investigated theoretically and experimentally. The measured radiation spectrum ...