Now showing items 21-33 of 33

    • Millimeter wave free electron laser amplifiers: Experiments and designs 

      Bidwell, S.; Zhang, Z.; Antonsen, T. Jr; Bensen, D.; Destler, William; Freund, H.; Granatstein, V.; Latham, P.; Levush, B.; Radack, D.; Rodgers, J. (1991-08)
      Free electron laser amplifiers are investigated as sources of high average-power (1 MW) millimeter to submillimeter wave radiation (200-600 GHz) for application to electron cyclotron resonance heating of magnetically ...
    • Novel method for determining the elctromagnetic dispersion relation of periodic slow wave structures 

      Carmel, Y.; Guo, H.; Lou, R.; Abe, D.; Granatstein, V.; Destler, William (©1990 American Institute of Physics, 1990-09-24)
      A novel method for calculating the dispersion relation of electromagnetic modes in an arbitrary periodic slow wave structure is reported. In this method it is sufficient to know the frequencies corresponding to three special ...
    • Observation of a resonant enhancement of microwave radiation from a gas-filled backward wave oscillator 

      Minami, K.; Lou, W.; Destler, William; Kehs, R.; Granatstein, V.; Carmel, Y. (American Institute of Physics, 1988-08-15)
      High-power microwave radiation at 8 GHz from a gas-fined backward wave oscillator driven by an intense relativistic electron beam has been measured. It has been observed that an order of magnitude resonant increase in ...
    • Periodic magnetic focusing of sheet electron beams 

      Booske, J.; Basten, M.; Kumbasar, A.; Antonsen, T.; Bidwell, S.; Carmel, Y.; Destler, William; Granatstein, V.; Radack, D. (American Institute of Physics, 1994-05)
      Sheet electron beams focused by periodically cusped magnetic (PCM ) fields are stable against low-frequency velocity-shear instabilities (such as the diocotron mode). This is in contrast to the more familiar unstable ...
    • Progress in high power millimeter-wave FELs with short period wigglers and sheet electron beams 

      Booske, J.; Radack, D.; Antonsen, T. Jr; Bidwell, S.; Destler, William; Granatstein, V.; Latham, P.; Levush, B.; Mayergoyz, L.; Serbeto, A.; Zhang, Z. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1989-05)
    • Propagation of wiggler focused relativistic sheet electron beams 

      Booske, J.; Destler, William; Segalov, Z.; Radack, D.; Rosenbury, E.; Rodgers, J.; Antonsen, T.; Granatstein, V.; Mayergoyz, I. (American Institute of Physics, 1988-02-09)
      A recent design concept for millimeter-wave free-electron lasers [J. Appl, Phys, 60, 521 ( 1986)] would require the stable propagation of a sheet electron beam through a narrow waveguide channel. Experimental results ...
    • Relativistic backward wave oscillators: Theory and experiment 

      Levush, B.; Antonsen, T. Jr; Bromborsky, A.; Lou, W.; Abe, D.; Miller, S.; Carmel, Y.; Rodgers, J.; Granatstein, V.; Destler, William (IEEE, 1991)
      Microwave sources based on backward-wave oscillators with relativistic electron beams are capable of producing high power coherent radiation in the cm and mm wavelength regime. Although there have been a number of ...
    • A Short-period wiggler millimeter-wave free electron laser for plasma heating and space-borne radar 

      Booske, J.; Antonsen, T. Jr; Bengtson, D.; Bluem, H.; Destler, William; Finn, J.; Granatstein, V.; Latham, P.; Levush, B.; Mayergoyz, I.; Radack, D.; Rosenbury, E.; Serbeto, A. (1987-12)
      We will report on the status of a new mm-wave FEL research program based on short-period electromagnet wigglers and a low voltage (500 kV) sheet electron beam. Recent results of measurements and theoretical modeling ...
    • Short-period-wiggler free electron lasers with sheet electron beams 

      Booske, J.; Antonsen, T. Jr; Bengston, D.; Destler, William; Granatstein, V.; Latham, P.; Levush, B.; Mayergoyz, I.; Radack, D.; Rosenbury, E. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1988-06)
    • Small period electromagnet wigglers for free electron lasers 

      Destler, William; Granatstein, V.; Mayerogyz, I.; Segalov, Z. (IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics, 1985)
      No abstract found.
    • Starting energy and current for a large diameter finite length backward wave oscillator operated at the fundamental mode 

      Minami, K.; Ogura, K.; Aiba, Y.; Amin, M.; Zheng, X.; Watanabe, T.; Carmel, Y.; Destler, William; Granatstein, V. (©1995 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE., 1995-04)
      We study the starting conditions for a large diameter (diameter/wavelength = 4.8) finite length backward wave oscillator designed for 24-GHz operation at the fundamental T M o l mode. This geometry is very promising for ...
    • Studies of relativistic backward wave oscillators: Comparison bewteen theory and experiment 

      Levush, B.; Antonsen, T. Jr; Bromborsky, A.; Lou, W.; Abe, D.; Miller, S.; Carmel, Y.; Rodgers, J.; Granatstein, V.; Destler, William (SPIE, 1992)
      Microwave sources based on backward-wave oscillators driven by relativistic electron beams are capable of producing high power coherent radiation in the cm and mm wavelength regime. Although there have been a number of ...
    • Theoretical and experimental investigations of the cyclotron interaction effect on relativistic backward wave oscillator operation 

      Levush, B.; Vlasov, A.; Nusinovich, G.; Bromborsky, A.; Antonsen, T. Jr; Miller, S.; Abe, D.; Lou, W.; Carmel, Y.; Destler, William; Granatstein, V. (SPIE, 1993)
      Microwave sources based on backward-wave oscillators (BWOs) driven by relativistic electron beams are capable of producing high power coherent radiation in the cm and mm wavelength region. When the axial magnetic field is ...