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dc.contributor.authorBooske, John
dc.contributor.authorRadack, Daniel
dc.contributor.authorAntonsen, Thomas
dc.contributor.authorBidwell, Steven
dc.contributor.authorCarmel, Yuval
dc.contributor.authorDestler, William
dc.contributor.authorFreund, Henry
dc.contributor.authorGranatsein, Victor
dc.contributor.authorLatham, Peter
dc.contributor.authorLevush, Baruch
dc.contributor.authorMayergoyz, Isaak
dc.contributor.authorSerbeto, A.
dc.identifier.citationJ.H. Booske, D.J. Radack, T.M. Antonsen, Jr., S.W. Bidwell, Y. Carmel, W.W. Destler, H.P. Freund, V.L. Granatstein, P.E. Latham, B. Levush, I.D. Mayergoyz, and A. Serbeto, "Design of High Average Power, Near-Millimeter Free Electron Laser Oscillators Using Short Period Wigglers and Sheet Electron Beams," IEEE Trans. Plasma Science (Third Special Issue on High Power Microwave Generation), 18 , 399 (1990).
dc.descriptionThis article can also be found on the publishers website:
dc.description.abstractThe design and feasibility of a I-MW continuous wave (CW) free electron laser (FEL) oscillator are reviewed. The proposed configuration will include a short-period (1" - I cm) planar wiggler. a sheet electron beam, a 0.5-1.0 MV thermionic electron gun, a hybrid waveguide/quasi-optical resonator, commercial de power supplies, and a depressed collector. Cavity ohmic RF losses are estimated to be extremely low ( 5 10-100 W/cm*) at I-MW output power, while thermal heat transfer studies conservatively indicate that wall cooling up to 1500 W /cm' should be possible. Experiments have convincingly verified theory and simulations which predict that negligible body currents will be achievable with low-emittance low-space-charge sheet beams. Highvoltage sheet beam gun design studies indicate that the required beam quality can be achieved with CW compatible devices. The spent beam energy distribution is consistent with highly efficient spent beam energy recovery, and the proposed resonator cavity should provide mode discrimination and beam/RF separation capability. Finally, recent advances in superconducting wiggler designs suggest that even more compelling improvements in FEL design are possible. Specifically, the substantially increased dc wiggler fields can yield better beam confinement. Furthermore, options for a strong-pump FEL amplifier with a tapered, superconducting, short-period wiggler are now being considered.en_US
dc.publisher©1990 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesvol. 18en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesno. 3en_US
dc.titleDesign of high-average-power near-millimeter free electron laser oscillators using short-period wigglers and sheet electron beamsen_US

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