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dc.contributor.authorRamaswamy, K.
dc.contributor.authorDestler, William
dc.contributor.authorSegalov, Z.
dc.contributor.authorRodgers, J.
dc.identifier.citationK. Ramaswamy, W. W. Destler, Z. Segalov, and J. Rodgers, "Characterization of Electron Beams Generated in a High Voltage Pulse-Line Driven Pseudospark Discharge", J. Appl. Phys., 75, 4432-4437 (1994).en_US
dc.descriptionCopyright 1994 American Institute of Physics. All Rights Reserved. This article can also be found on the publishers website:
dc.description.abstractEmittance and energy measurements have been performed on a high-brightness electron beam (>1010Nm2 rad2 ) with diameter in the range 1-3 mm and energy in the range 150-170 keY. This electron beam is generated by the mating of a hollow-cathode discharge device operating in the pseudospark regime to the output of a high-power pulse line accelerator. The measured effective emittance lies in the range between 30 and 90 mm mrad and increases with axial distance. Electron energy measurements indicate that the high-energy electrons are generated during the first 20-30 ns of the discharge. Both the emittance and energy experiments were performed at two different ambient argon gas pressures (92 and 152 mtorr). Beam expansion as a function of axial position has also been studied and a lower bound on the beam brightness has been obtained.en_US
dc.publisherAmerican Institute of Physicsen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol. 75en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesIssue 9en_US
dc.titleCharacterization of electron beams generated in a high-voltage pulse-line-driven pseudospark dischargeen_US

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