Now showing items 31-40 of 136
Experimental and numerical studies of sheet electron beam propagation through a planar wiggler magnet
(IEEE, 1993-12)
Detailed experimental studies on sheet relativistic
electron beam propagation through a long planar wiggler are
reported and compared with numerical simulations. The planar
wiggler has 56 periods with a period of 9.6 ...
Experimental and numerical results on a millimeter-wave free electron laser amplifier
(Elsveier - Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research, 1993-07)
Progress in studies of a millimeter-wave free electron laser amplifier based on a small period planar wiggler and a sheet electron beam is reported. Successful propagation of a 15 A sheet electron beam has been accomplished ...
A fundamental mode, high-power, large-orbit gyrotron using a rectangular interaction region
(American Institute of Physics, 1993-06-15)
This paper reports on experimental and theoretical studies of a fundamental mode, large-orbit
gyrotron oscillator designed to produce high-power radiation in the rectangular TE,a mode at
about 650 MHz. A basic linear ...
High power high brightness electron beam generation in a pulse-line driven pseudospark discharge
(IEEE, 1993-05-17)
High brightness (~3×1010 A/m2rad2 ), high power density (~1010 W/cm2) electron beams have been generated by the mating of a hollow-cathode discharge device operating in the pseudospark regime to the output of a high power ...
Theoretical and experimental investigations of the cyclotron interaction effect on relativistic backward wave oscillator operation
(SPIE, 1993)
Microwave sources based on backward-wave oscillators (BWOs) driven by relativistic electron beams are capable of producing high power coherent radiation in the cm and mm wavelength region. When the axial magnetic field is ...
High power, high brightness electron beam generation in a pulse-line driven pseudospark discharge
(IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics, 1993)
High brightness (m 3 x 10" A/m2rad2), high
power density (- 1O1O W/cm2) electron beams have
been generated by the mating of a hollow-cathode
discharge device operating in the pseudospark regime
to the output of a high ...
A Novel highly accurate synthetic technique for determination of the dispersive characteristics in periodic slow wave circuits
(IEEE, 1992-11)
A novel, highly accurate (0.1-0.5%) synthetic technique
for determining the complete dispersive characteristics
of electromagnetic modes in a spatially periodic structure is
presented. It was successfully applied for ...
From linearity towards chaos: Basic studies of relativistic backward-wave oscillators
(American Physical Society, 1992-09-14)
Recent experimental studies have revealed for the first time some basic features of pulsed. relativistic (300-600 keY) backward-wave oscillators such as starting current, axial mode locking, and multifrequency
operation. ...
Experiemental study of interaction of microwaves with a nonmagnetized pulsed-plasma column
(American Institute of Physics, 1992-09-01)
The time evolution of backscattered and sidescattered microwaves from a plane conductor
covered by a pulsed-plasma column has been studied; transmitted signals along the axial and
transverse directions of the column have ...