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dc.contributor.editorJankowski, Bob
dc.contributor.editorBarley, Willis
dc.contributor.editorFrank, Robert
dc.contributor.editorKappes, LeRoy
dc.contributor.editorEllsmore, Fred
dc.contributor.editorApfelberg, Hank
dc.contributor.editorFusco, Bob
dc.contributor.editorKohler, Jim
dc.contributor.editorNewsom, John
dc.contributor.editorMayer, Bruce
dc.contributor.editorBurrier, Richard
dc.contributor.editorHabinak, Gerald
dc.identifier.otherVol. 38 No. 6
dc.descriptionThe weekly Official Publication of the Rochester Institute of Technology Member of the Associated Collegiate Press. Managing editor: Gary A. Ludwick; News editor: Tony Puskarz; Photo editor: Ken Spencer, Associate: William Feldman; Art editor: Ron Mesarox, Associate: Don Gacta; Copy editor: Walt Kabai, Associate: Robert Frank; Business manager: Herb Ingersull; Production manager: LeRoy Kappes, Associate: Fred Ellsmore; Advertising manager: Wayne Dingerson, Associates: Hank Apfelberg, Bob Fusco, Jim Kohler; Circulation manager: John Newsom, Associate: Bruce Mayer; Public relations: Richard Burrier, Associate: Gerald Habinaken_US
dc.publisherRochester Institute of Technologyen_US
dc.title.alternativeRIT Reporteren_US
dc.title.alternativeReporter magazineen_US
dc.description.tableOfContentsNew campus buildings discussed at luncheon (p. 1)
dc.description.tableOfContentsCouncil's aims, purpose outlined at conference (p. 1)
dc.description.tableOfContentsStudent entertainment presented at weekend (p. 1)
dc.description.tableOfContents'Mock' election set for Tuesday (p. 1)
dc.description.tableOfContentsAgner cited for scholastic achievement (p. 1)
dc.description.tableOfContentsSororities open rush with tea (p. 1)
dc.description.tableOfContents'Foreign Policy' topic of lecture (p. 1)
dc.description.tableOfContentsEditorials: Calling all politicians (p. 2)
dc.description.tableOfContentsThe Noblest of messes (p. 2)
dc.description.tableOfContentsCayley's corner (p. 2)
dc.description.tableOfContentsThe Profile of a generation (p. 2)
dc.description.tableOfContentsRIT graduates form color plate company (p. 2)
dc.description.tableOfContentsSenior research unique at RIT (p. 2)
dc.description.tableOfContentsCouncil aims (p. 2)
dc.description.tableOfContentsSAC and A&D directors to give talks this month (p. 3)
dc.description.tableOfContentsPhi Upsilon Phi to present the fall fashions (p. 3)
dc.description.tableOfContentsChemical society highly praised (p. 3)
dc.description.tableOfContentsWomen's club to hold sale (p. 3)
dc.description.tableOfContentsRIT is named for competition (p. 3)
dc.description.tableOfContentsConcert held indoors (p. 3)
dc.description.tableOfContentsDebaters in meet (p. 3)
dc.description.tableOfContentsHighlights of parents-alumni weekend 1962 (p. 4)
dc.description.tableOfContentsEditors attend journalism meet (p. 5)
dc.description.tableOfContentsStatus changes (p. 5)
dc.description.tableOfContentsFellowships now offered by research council (p. 6)
dc.description.tableOfContentsScholarships aid European studies (p. 7)
dc.description.tableOfContentsTiger tracks (p. 7)
dc.contributor.ManagingEditorLudwick, Gary
dc.contributor.CopyEditorKabai, Walt
dc.contributor.NewsEditorPuskarz, Gary
dc.contributor.PhotographyEditorSpencer, Ken
dc.contributor.AsstPhotoEditorFeldman, William
dc.contributor.BusinessManagerIngersull, Herb
dc.contributor.AdvManagerDingerson, Wayne

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