Now showing items 21-40 of 85

    • Ereview 

      Print Industry Center (RIT: College of Imaging Arts and Sciences, 2010-01)
    • Ereview 

      Print Industry Center (RIT: College of Imaging Arts and Sciences, 2009-11)
    • Ereview 

      Print Industry Center (RIT: College of Imaging Arts and Sciences, 2009-10)
      This month’s eReview is an overview of the new book Personalization: Data-Driven Print and Internet Communications by Center Director Dr. Patricia Sorce. "The premise of this book is that marketing firms can improve the ...
    • Ereview 

      Print Industry Center (RIT: College of Imaging Arts and Sciences, 2009-09)
      This month’s research summary is the completion of “Implementing Lean Manufacturing into Newspaper Production Operations,” a graduate thesis by Marianne Engum, a former graduate student in the RIT School of Print Media. ...
    • Ereview 

      Print Industry Center (RIT: College of Imaging Arts and Sciences, 2009-08)
      This month’s research summary, “Implementing Lean Manufacturing into Newspaper Production Operations,” is a graduate thesis written by Marianne Engum, a former graduate student in the RIT School of Print Media. In ...
    • Ereview 

      Print Industry Center (RIT: College of Imaging Arts and Sciences, 2009-07)
      This month we are taking a break from our research summaries to report on the changes and upgrades made to the Printing Industry Center's redesigned website, which launched today! The website now features a new, clean ...
    • Ereview 

      Print Industry Center (RIT: College of Imaging Arts and Sciences, 2009-06)
      The primary goal of this month's report, Further Investigation into the Image Quality Differences Between Digital Print Technologies and Traditional Offset Lithography (PICRM- 2009-04), by Susan Farnand, was to follow-up ...
    • Ereview 

      Print Industry Center (RIT: College of Imaging Arts and Science, 2009-05)
      The primary goal of this month's report, The Open Publishing Guide: Creating a Self-Publishing Website Using Open Source Content Management Tools (PICRM-2009-03), by Patricia Albanese, Matthew H. Bernius, Sean Conklin, ...
    • Ereview 

      Print Industry Center (RIT: College of Imaging Arts and Science, 2009-04)
      The newspaper industry is being redefined by changes of historic proportions. This redefinition has resulted in a disruptive shift within the core audience of newspapers. Thus, many pundits of the industry have commented ...
    • Ereview 

      Print Industry Center (RIT: College of Imaging Arts and Science, 2009-02)
      Rules, sometimes, are meant to be broken. For example, printing freshmen learn that lithography works based on the principle of "ink and water do not mix." By the time they are seniors, they learn that emulsified ink ...
    • Ereview 

      Print Industry Center (RIT: College of Imaging Arts and Science, 2009-01)
      This month we will be taking a break from our normal research summaries to provide a preview of the research proposals that will be published in 2010. Next month we will resume our research summaries with content from ...
    • Ereview 

      Print Industry Center (RIT: College of Imaging Arts and Science, 2008-11)
      This month’s research summary is a continuation from last month’s introduction to Minding the Gap: Evaluating the Image Quality of Digital Print Technologies Relative to Traditional Offset Lithography (PICRM-2008-08), ...
    • Ereview 

      Print Industry Center (RIT: College of Imaging Arts and Science, 2008-10)
      This month’s research summary is an introduction to the monograph Minding the Gap: Evaluating the Image Quality of Digital Print Technologies Relative to Traditional Offset Lithography (PICRM-2008-08), by Susan Farnand, ...
    • Ereview 

      Print Industry Center (RIT: College of Imaging Arts and Science, 2008-09)
      For the month of September, we are taking a brief break from our research summaries to make our readers aware of two great upcoming webinars that will be hosted by RIT School of Print Media faculty (and Printing Industry ...
    • Ereview 

      Print Industry Center (RIT: College of Imaging Arts and Science, 2008-08)
      This month’s research monograph, Web-Enabled Print Architectures (PICRM-2008-06), is authored by Adam Dewitz, former graduate student in RIT’s School of Print Media. The purpose of this study was to analyze the current ...
    • Ereview - Espanol 

      Print Industry Center (RIT: College of Imaging Arts and Science, 2008-03)
      Dentro de la industria de impresión gráfica la calidad es un concepto importante. Sin embargo, los programas de garantía de calidad no siempre están colocados en el monitor de la producción gráfica cuando se producen ...
    • Ereview 

      Print Industry Center (RIT: College of Imaging Arts and Science, 2005-04)
      This month we take a look at the “lean” mindset in the printing industry. Research conducted through RIT’s Printing Industry Center has established that while both large and small printing establishments view the lean ...
    • Ereview 

      Print Industry Center (RIT: College of Imaging Arts and Science, 2006-04)
      When the data from a recent Printing Industry Center study on fulfillment trends in the printing industry indicated that e-commerce, not fulfillment, was perceived to be the primary value-added service currently being ...
    • Ereview 

      Print Industry Center (RIT: College of Imaging Arts and Science, 2008-04)
      The purpose of this month’s research monograph, a literature review entitled Upstream Database and Digital Asset Management in Variable Data Printing (PICRM-2008-01), by Franziska Frey, Ph.D., RIT School of Print Media ...
    • Ereview 

      Print Industry Center (RIT: College of Imaging Arts and Science, 2004-05)
      The ways in which the government has managed the environmental impacts of small printers have evolved over time. Prior to the 1980s, environmental agencies were lenient in their regulation of smaller firms. But as larger, ...