Now showing items 2-21 of 45

    • A Grid authorization model for science gateways 

      Scavo, Tom; Welch, Von (Grid Computing Environments (GCE), 2007)
      Since the number of TeraGrid Science Gateways is expected to grow at least an order of magnitude in the next few years, a lightweight gateway deployment model is sought, one that facilitates growth but meets the security ...
    • A PERMIS-based authorization solution between portlets and back-end web services 

      Barahona, Sofia Brenes; Fox, Geoffrey; Huffman, Kianosh; McMullen, Donald; Pierce, Marlon; Yin, Hao (2006)
      A portal is a Web-based application that acts as an entry point to distributed resources. Individual portlets in a portal can be used to integrate information from a variety of back-end Web services. However, when Web ...
    • A Portal based interface for compositing multiple streams of experimental data to video 

      Kutnick, Gilead; McMullen, Donald; Huffman, Kianosh; Ma, Yu (Grid Computing Environments (GCE), 2007)
      As an extension to our work on portals and portlets as user interfaces for remote access to instruments we are developing a set of Web Services to capture and implement tasks in a scientific workflow. The workflow described ...
    • A Science collaboration environment for the network for earthquake engineering simulation 

      Youn, Choonhan; Baru, Chaitan; Elgamal, Ahmed; Seber, Dogan (Grid Computing Environments (GCE), 2007)
      The vision of cyberinfrastructure is to provide “the comprehensive infrastructure needed to capitalize on dramatic advances in information technology,” in support of science and engineering applications. The development ...
    • Building QuakeSim portlets with GTLAB 

      Nacar, Mehmet; Pierce, Marlon; Donnellan, Andrea; Fox, Geoffrey (Grid Computing Environments (GCE), 2007)
      The QuakeSim portal is a problem solving environment to develop a solid Earth science framework for modeling and understanding earthquakes. In this study, we proposed an evolutionary approach to allow TeraGrid usage in ...
    • Capturing knowledge transfer: an interaction and revenue model for streamed media 

      Garrison, Daniel (2005)
      Information and knowledge are constantly presented to consumer's senses at a rate that is often faster than the ability to process. When the capture of streamed media is possible, it requires manual participation either ...
    • Cloud computing: A Perspective study 

      Wang, Lizhe; von Laszewski, Gregor; Kunze, Marcel; Tao, Jie (Grid Computing Environments (GCE), 2008)
      The Cloud computing emerges as a new computing paradigm which aims to provide reliable, customized and QoS guaranteed dynamic computing environments for end-users. In this paper, we study the Cloud computing paradigm from ...
    • CoaxSim grid: Building an application portal for a CFD model 

      Cho, Jung-hyun; Fullop, Joshi; Kim, Byoung-Do; Kim, Eun-kyung; Kim, Nam-gyu (2006)
      An application portal has been developed to support the execution of a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) numerical model that simulates hydrodynamic flow instability of the coaxial injector in the liquid rocket engine. ...
    • Connected in a small world: Rapid integration of heterogenous biology resources 

      Park, Sang P.; Song, Carol X.; Topkara, Umut; Woo, Jungha (2006)
      Timely access to the most up to date versions of resources, such as data and software, is of paramount importance for researchers in an active field like Biology. We introduce a grid enabled biological data and software ...
    • Creating grid resources for use in undergraduate coursework 

      Huffman, John; Repasky, Richard; Rinkovsky, Joseph (Grid Computing Environments (GCE), 2007)
      Rendered animations are a significant part of many student and research projects being done at Indiana University. Typically the rendering process is very computationally intensive, but it is allocated minimal computing ...
    • Cyberaide JavaScript: A JavaScript commodity 

      von Laszewski, Gregor; Wang, Fugang; Younge, Andrew; He, Xi; Guo, Zhenhua; Pierce, Marlon (Grid Computing Environments (GCE), 2008)
      In this paper, we describe a service oriented architecture and Grid abstraction framework that allows us to access Grids through JavaScript. Obviously, such a framework integrates well with other Web 2.0 technologies. The ...
    • Designing grid tag libraries and grid beans 

      Erlebacher, Gordon; Fox, Geoffrey C.; Nacar, Mehmet A.; Pierce, Marlon E. (2006)
      We present a detailed description of the implementation of a library of Grid tag libraries and Grid beans for Grid Web portal development. Grid tags provide Java Server Faces (JSF) custom components for Grid services. They ...
    • e-Science project and experiment management with Microsoft Project 

      von Laszewski, Gregor; Dilmanian, Leor (Grid Computing Environments (GCE), 2008)
      The design, execution, and monitoring of challenging scientific applications is often a complex affair. To cope with the issue, several tools and frameworks have been designed and put into use. However, the entry barrier ...
    • Enabling user-oriented data access in a satellite data portal 

      Kalyanam, Rajesh; Zhao, Lan; Park, Taezoon; Biehl, Larry; Song, Carol (Grid Computing Environments (GCE), 2007)
      This paper presents the design and implementation of a webenabled platform for enhancing user data access experience in a satellite data portal. The platform integrates a number of useroriented capabilities including the ...
    • Extending grid protocols onto the desktop using the Mozilla framework 

      Bhatia, Karan; Catarino, Daniel; Stearn, Brent; Taufer, Michela; Zamudio, Richard (2006)
      This paper describes an approach to building problem solving environments that provide users with direct access to remote grid services and protocols from their desktop or laptop. We describe two examples of this approach: ...
    • From impractical to practical: solving an MRI problem using parallelism 

      Bak, Andrew; Hornak, Joseph; Schaller, Nan (2005)
      MRI relaxometry may provide more diagnostic utility than conventional MRI because it measures molecular mobility, which changes with disease state. Processing relaxometry data requires applying an inverse Laplace transform ...
    • Grid portal development for sensing data retrieval and processing 

      Arias, Diego; Cintron, Fernando; Cruz, Kennie; Mendoza, Mariana; Rivera, Wilson (2006)
      This paper presents our experiences developing grid portals for radar and sensor based applications. Underlying these gateways there are existing grid technologies such as Globus Toolkit 4.0.1 and Gridsphere. The grid ...
    • Grid portals for bioinformatics 

      Ramakrishnan, Lavanya; Reed, Mark S.C.; Tilson, Jeffrey; Reed, Daniel (Grid Computing Environments (GCE), 2006)
      The explosive growth of biological and biomedical research requires a new set of software tools and a computational environment that includes high performance computing and largescale data management. These software ...
    • GridTorrent framework: A High-performance data transfer and data sharing framework for scientific computing 

      Kaplan, Ali; Geoffrey, Fox; von Laszewski, Gregor (Grid Computing Environments (GCE), 2007)
      Large amount of data that is often stored in many thousands of files is created as part of today’s geographically distributed scientific computation and collaboration environments. Managing and transferring large volumes ...
    • Integrating cutting-edge research into learning through Web 2.0 and virtual environments 

      Madhavan, Krishna; Goasguen, Sebastien (Grid Computing Environments (GCE), 2007)
      In this paper, we report on the initial design and implementation of a project entitled RE@L - Research Environments Associated with Learning through Social Networks. Our goal is to examine how future science gateways that ...