Now showing items 144-163 of 175

    • Relativistic electron beam drift in a quarter-torus sector 

      Lockner, T.; Kusse, B.; Destler, William (1972)
    • Relativistic electron dynamics in a cusped magnetic field 

      Rhee, M.; Destler, William (American Institute of Physics, 1974-08)
      Single-particle motion of relativistic electrons in a cusped magnetic field has been studied both analytically and experimentally. The Lagrangian formulation is used to solve for the electron trajectories in some simple ...
    • Relativistic electron dynamics in a cusped magnetic field with a downstream drift region 

      Destler, William; Misra, P.; Rhee, M. (American Institute of Physics, 1975-12)
      Studies are reported of the motion of relativistic electrons injected first through a narrow magnetic cusp and then into a downstream region in which the particle motion is assumed to be adiabatic. Experiments performed ...
    • Relativistic plasma microwave electronics: Studies of high-power plasma-filled backward-wave oscillators 

      Carmel, Y.; Lou, W.; Antonsen, T. Jr; Rodgers, J.; Levush, B.; Destler, William (American Institute of Physics, 1992-07)
      The area of relativistic plasma microwave electronics has only recently generated renewed interest. New experimental data are presented demonstrating that the presence of a low-density background plasma in a relativistic ...
    • RIT Strategic Plan 2005-2015 

      Simone, Albert (2004-02-03)
      This primer is a story about an exciting journey. It starts in the year 2005 at Rochester Institute of Technology.
    • RIT: A Unique institution within the family of universities 

      Simone, Albert (2001-09-05)
      Good morning and, for most of you, welcome back. For new faculty and staff, for the first time welcome to what I know you will find to be an exciting, challenging, and fulfilling next step on your career paths. I believe ...
    • Second generation, high-power, fundamental mode large-orbit gyrotron experiments 

      Irwin, K.; Destler, William; Lawson, W.; Rodgers, J.; Scannell, E.; Spang, S. (American Institute of Physics, 1991-01-15)
      Experimental studies of a large-orbit gyrotron device operating at the fundamental of the cyclotron frequency have been conducted. Based on results of initial investigations at the University of Maryland a linear beam ...
    • Shaping RIT's destiny 

      Simone, Albert (2003-05-20)
      In 1994, after over a year of campus wide deliberation, the Board of Trustees approved Learning and Careers 2004: The Strategic Plan for RIT. That planning process was a very comprehensive and inclusive process. It was ...
    • Sheet beam emittance measurements by slit-pinhole method 

      Cheng, S.; Destler, William (Elsevier, 1996)
      A method for measuring sheet electron beam emittance is developed. The effective emittances are obtained through construction of particle distribution in the transverse dimensions using slit- pinhole parameters. Measurement ...
    • Shielded-source, short-pulse microwave propagation experiments 

      Destler, William; Segalov, Z.; Rodgers, J. (Copyright 1989 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics., 1989-08-01)
      The propagation of short-pulse, high-power microwaves through a neutral gas has been studied and breakdown limits determined in an experimental configuration in which the neutral gas test cell was carefully shielded from ...
    • A Short-period wiggler millimeter-wave free electron laser for plasma heating and space-borne radar 

      Booske, J.; Antonsen, T. Jr; Bengtson, D.; Bluem, H.; Destler, William; Finn, J.; Granatstein, V.; Latham, P.; Levush, B.; Mayergoyz, I.; Radack, D.; Rosenbury, E.; Serbeto, A. (1987-12)
      We will report on the status of a new mm-wave FEL research program based on short-period electromagnet wigglers and a low voltage (500 kV) sheet electron beam. Recent results of measurements and theoretical modeling ...
    • Short-period-wiggler free electron lasers with sheet electron beams 

      Booske, J.; Antonsen, T. Jr; Bengston, D.; Destler, William; Granatstein, V.; Latham, P.; Levush, B.; Mayergoyz, I.; Radack, D.; Rosenbury, E. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1988-06)
    • Short-pulse high-power microwave propagation in the atmosphere 

      Sullivan, C.; Destler, William; Rodgers, J.; Segalov, Z. (American Institute of Physics, 1988-02-12)
      The propagation of high-power 00-200 kW/cm2 ) short-burst (3-30 ns) microwave pulses in the atmosphere has been studied experimentally. Microwave power from a large orbit gyrotron operating at 9.6 GHz is focused by a ...
    • Single particle and collective effects observed in the electron beam of the Maryland era experiment 

      Destler, William; Hudgings, D.; Kehs, R.; Misra, P.; Rhee, M. (IEEE, 1975-06)
      The formation of rotating, relativistic electron beams with properties suitable for collective ion acceleration has been studied under a variety of experimental conditions. A straight, cylindrical, relativistic electron ...
    • Small period electromagnet wigglers for free electron lasers 

      Destler, William; Granatstein, V.; Mayerogyz, I.; Segalov, Z. (IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics, 1985)
      No abstract found.
    • Starting energy and current for a large diameter finite length backward wave oscillator operated at the fundamental mode 

      Minami, K.; Ogura, K.; Aiba, Y.; Amin, M.; Zheng, X.; Watanabe, T.; Carmel, Y.; Destler, William; Granatstein, V. (©1995 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE., 1995-04)
      We study the starting conditions for a large diameter (diameter/wavelength = 4.8) finite length backward wave oscillator designed for 24-GHz operation at the fundamental T M o l mode. This geometry is very promising for ...
    • Strongly graded hereditary orders 

      Haefner, Jeremy; Pappacena, Christopher (2001-08-28)
      Let R be a Dedekind domain with global quotient field K. The purpose of this note is to provide a characterization of when a strongly graded R-order with semiprime 1-component is hereditary. This generalizes earlier work ...
    • Studies of ion acceleration in a one meter laser controlled collective accelerator 

      Destler, William; Rodgers, J.; Striffler, C.; Yao, R. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1991)
      The basic concept behind the Laser Controlled Beamfront Experiment has been described in detail in previous reports(1,2) In the experiment, control over the propagation of a virtual cathode at the front of an intense ...
    • Studies of microwave radiation from a low-energy rotating electron beam in a multiresonator magnetron cavity 

      Chojnacki, E.; Destler, William; Lawson, W.; Namkung, W. (American institute of physics - Journal of applied physics, 1987-02-15)
      Presents a study on the generation of microwave radiation at high harmonics of the cyclotron frequency. Reasons for the interest in the configuration process; Theory of beam dynamics; Results of the experiments.
    • Studies of relativistic backward wave oscillators: Comparison bewteen theory and experiment 

      Levush, B.; Antonsen, T. Jr; Bromborsky, A.; Lou, W.; Abe, D.; Miller, S.; Carmel, Y.; Rodgers, J.; Granatstein, V.; Destler, William (SPIE, 1992)
      Microwave sources based on backward-wave oscillators driven by relativistic electron beams are capable of producing high power coherent radiation in the cm and mm wavelength regime. Although there have been a number of ...