Browsing by Title
Now showing items 10269-10288 of 10415
Vaala named NTID employment director
(Rochester Institute of Technology, 2001-04-20)Allen Vaala, of Pittsford, has been named director of the National Technical Institute for the Deaf's (NTID) Center on Employment at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Vaala's primary responsibility will be to ... -
The Value of Time: A Comparative Visual Analysis
(1998-05-18) -
Varias entrevistas sobre mi carrera profesional y opiniones sobre la fotografia
(2005-11)En varias ocasiones me han planteado una serie de preguntas sobre mi carrera profesional tan bien como opiniones acerca varios temas relacionados con la fotografia. Hago disponible aqui algunas de estas entrevistas aunque ... -
Variation in the type I interferon gene cluster on 9p21 influences susceptibility to asthma and atopy
(Nature Publishing Group: Genes and Immunity, 2006-03-08)A genome-wide screen for asthma and atopy susceptibility alleles conducted in the Hutterites, a founder population of European descent, reported evidence of linkage with a short tandem repeat polymorphism (STRP) within the ... -
Vector garden
(2003-05-01)Vector Garden demonstrates the vital role of vector graphics in web designing. Its purpose is to create a complex, dynamic, multidimensional and interactive virtual fairyland where viewers can escape into a creative ... -
Vernacular letterforms: An Expression of cultural and social values
(2000-05)This thesis investigates similar problem-solving processes used in the fields of graphic design and engineering, revealing an underlying relationship between the two disciplines. It shows the principles these two disciplines ... -
Versatile power supply
(1999-05-12)Tetherless is a concept for the elimination of constraints from electrical power delivery systems. Three separate solutions are presented in a progression of increasing technology. Each stage is able to address and ... -
Vertus donates award-winning digital imaging software to NTID at RUT
(Rochester Institute of Technology, 2007-03-14)Vertus, the graphics and imaging software division of Heligon, a technology business specializing in image data interpretation, today announced the donation of eighty-eight copies of Fluid Mask, the next generation cut-out ... -
Very good to great
(2003-07-18)In previous Board of Trustees meetings and in my paper “Shaping RIT’s Destiny”, we discussed the concept of “good to great”. I shall not repeat that discussion here. Rather, I would like to point out quickly that our ... -
Video games improve visual selective attention
(RIT: College of Liberal Arts, 2007) -
Video podcast: Aboard NASA's 'Vomit Comet'
(Rochester Institute of Technology, 2008-11-26)RIT students experience zero gravity while conducting reduced-gravity scientific experiments aboard NASA's "Vomit Comet" aircraft; reported by Kelly Downs of RIT University News. -
Video podcast: Conversations with President Destler (Video 6)
(Rochester Institute of Technology, 2008-12-10)Through a series of videos, RIT President Bill Destler shares his ideas and engages the RIT family. In the sixth in this series, President Destler gives a walking tour of the RIT campus. -
Video Podcast: RIT Dubai - Imagine the Possibilities
(Rochester Institute of Technology, 2008-07-22)Learn about RIT and RIT Dubai, a world-class higher-educational venture in the United Arab Emirates. -
Viral oncoprotein binding to PRB, P107, P130, AND P300
(Elsevier: Virus Research, 1995-02)The purpose of this review is to bring attention to some additional work in the tumor virus/tumor suppressor field which may have been overshadowed by reports describing adenovirus, SV40, and HPV oncoprotein binding to pRB ... -
Virtual 3D Environments: Implementations of 3D Environments for Virtual Tours and Online Communication
(2013-05-01)Virtual tours can be found over the web in many different scenarios: touring a campus, displaying consumer products, documenting a trip. These tours provide information using images, movies and sound to provide users with ... -
The Virtual class on the internet
(2000-03-01)Distance learning is not a new subject, but it recently has come in vogue again. With the advent of new educational and training technologies and the need to meet the needs of learners in a fast-paced world, distance ... -
Vision 2025 (Project and Description Plan)
(2010-02-08) -
A Vision of sound: A 3D visualization of pipe organ music
(2011-10-03)My goal is to create a 3D animation that illustrates the movements and patterns produced in the air when Bach's Chromatic Fugue is played on a pipe organ. By combining the visual element of swirling patterns inspired by ...