Now showing items 2901-2920 of 10415

    • High power plasma filled backward wave oscillators 

      Destler, William; Minami, K.; Lou, W.; Carmel, Y.; Granatstein, V.; Kehs, R. (SPIE, 1988-01)
      Relativistic backward wave oscillators (BWOs) have proven to be relatively efficient, high-power microwave sources in the centimeter wavelength range. Recent Soviet results have indicated that the use of a background ...
    • High power RF amplifiers for accelerator applications: The Large orbit Gyrotron and the high current, space charge enhanced relativistic klystron 

      Stringfield, R.; Fazio, M.; Rickel, D.; Kwan, T.; Peratt, A.; Kinross-Wright, J.; Van Haaften, F.; Hoeberling, R.; Faehl, R.; Carlsten, B.; Destler, William; Warner, L. (1990-10-23)
      Los Alamos is investigating a number of high power microwave (RPM) sources for their potential to power advanced accelerators. Included in this investigation are the large orbit gyrotron amplifier• and oscillator (LOG) ...
    • High power, high brightness electron beam generation in a pulse-line driven pseudospark discharge 

      Destler, William; Segalov, Z.; Rodgers, J.; Ramaswamy, K.; Reiser, M. (IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics, 1993)
      High brightness (m 3 x 10" A/m2rad2), high power density (- 1O1O W/cm2) electron beams have been generated by the mating of a hollow-cathode discharge device operating in the pseudospark regime to the output of a high ...
    • A high productivity/low maintenance approach to high-performance computation for biomedicine: four case studies 

      Carriero, Nicholas; Osier, Michael; Cheung, Kei-Hoi; Miller, Perry; Gerstein, Mark; Zhao, Hongyu; Wu, Baolin; Rifkin, Scott; Chang, Joseph; Zhang, Heping; White, Kevin; Williams, Kenneth; Schultz, Martin (American Medical Informatics Association: Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2005-01)
      The rapid advances in high-throughput biotechnologies such as DNA microarrays and mass spectrometry have generated vast amounts of data ranging from gene expression to proteomics data. The large size and complexity involved ...
    • High resolution studies of radio sources in the Hubble Deep and Flanking Fields 

      Muxlow, Tom; Richards, Anita; Garrington, Simon; Wilkinson, Peter; Anderson, Bryan; Richards, Eric; Axon, David; Fomalont, Edward; Kellermann, Kenneth; Partridge, Bruce; Windhorst, Rogier (Blackwell Publishing: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2005-04)
      Eighteen days of MERLIN data and 42 hours of A-array VLA data at 1.4 GHz have been combined to image a 10-arcmin field centred on the Hubble Deep and Flanking Fields (HDF and HFF). A complete sample of 92 radio sources ...
    • High resolution X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy : A potentially useful technique for chemical bonding studies in fossil fuels 

      Andermann, George; Fujiwara, Francis; Worman, James; Olson, Edwin (Elsevier: Fuel, 1987-07)
      The high resolution oxygen (O-K) and carbon (C-K) X-ray fluorescence spectra of coals were taken on a 5 metre grating X-ray spectrometer. A comparison of the C-K spectra of a North Dakota lignite (Beulah) and a Utah ...
    • High speed photographic observation of flow patterns during flow boiling in single rectangular minichannel 

      Balasubramanian, Prabhu; Kandlikar, Satish (American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2003-07)
      The present study extends the range of flow patterns observed during boiling of water in a single minichannel of height 197 mm and width 1054 mm. The calculated hydraulic diameter of the channel is 333 mm. High-speed ...
    • High tech master's degree for free 

      NTID (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2005-01-18)
      Deaf or hard-of-hearing college graduates with a bachelor’s degree are invited to apply to the Professional Fellowship Program at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID), a college of Rochester Institute of ...
    • A High-average power tapered FEL amplifier at submillimeter frequencies using sheet electron beams and short-period wigglers 

      Bidwell, S.; Radack, D.; Antonsen, T.; Booske, J.; Carmel, Y.; Destler, William; Granatstein, V.; Levush, B.; Lathem, P.; Zhang, Z. (Elsevier, 1990-09-17)
      A high-average-power FEL amplifier operating at submillimeter frequencies is under development at the University of Maryland. Program goals are to produce a CW, ~ 1 MW, FEL amplifier source at frequencies between 280 GHz ...
    • High-average-power CW FELs for application to plasma heating designs and experiments 

      Booske, J.; Granatstein, V.; Radack, D.; Antonsen, T.; Bidwell, S.; Carmel, Y.; Destler, William; Latham, O.; Levush, B.; Mayergoyz, I.; Zhang, Z. (IEEE, 1990)
      A short-period-wiggler (period - 1 cm), sheet-beam FEL has been proposed as a low-cost source of high-average-power (1 MW) millimeter-wave radiation for plasma heating and space-based radar applications. Recent calculations ...
    • A High-power backward-wave oscillator driven by a relativistic electron beam 

      Kehs, Alan; Bromborsky, Alan; Ruth, B.G.; Graybill, S.E.; Destler, William; Carmel, Y.C.; Wang, M.C. (IEEE - Transactions on plasma science, 1985-12)
      A high-power backward-wave oscillator (BWO) has been constructed that is driven by a relativistic electron beam (REB). A typical electron beam of 2-4 kA is accelerated across a diode potential of 650-800 kV and then guided ...
    • High-power microwave generation by excitation of a plasma-filled rippled boundary resonator 

      Carmel, Yuval; Minami, K.; Lou, Weiran; Kehs, R.; Destler, William; Granatstein, Victor; Abe, D.; Rodgers, J. (©1990 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE., 1990-06)
      An experimental demonstration of a strong enhancement of the interaction efficiency in a high-power relativistic backward-wave oscillator when plasma is injected is presented. Controlled plasma injection enhances the ...
    • High-power microwave generation from large-orbit devices 

      Destler, William; Chojnacki, E.; Hoeberling, R.; Lawson, W.; Singh, A.; Striffler, C. (IEEE, 1988-04)
      Experimental and theoretical studies at the University of Maryland on the production of high-power microwave radiation in cusp-injected, large-orbit devices are reviewed. Three classes of devices belonging to this ...
    • A High-power millimeter-wave sheet beam free-electron laser amplifier 

      Cheng, Shiqiu; Destler, William; Granatstein, Victor; Antonsen, Thomas; Levush, Baruch; Rodgers, John; Zhang, Z. (©1996 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE., 1996-06)
      The results of experiments with a short period (9.6 mm) wiggler sheet electron beam (1.0 mm x 2.0 cm) millimeter-wave free electron laser (FEL) amplifier are presented. This FEL amplifier utilized a strong wiggler field ...
    • High-resolution radio observations of Seyfert galaxies in the extended 12-micron sample - I. The Observations 

      Thean, Andy; Pedlar, Alan; Kukula, Marek; Baum, Stefi; O'Dea, Christopher (Blackwell Publishing, 2000-05)
      We present 8.4 GHz VLA A–configuration observations of 87 sources from the mid–infrared–selected AGN sample of Rush et al. (1993). These 0.25 arcsec resolution observations allow elongated radio structures tens of parsecs ...
    • High-resolution radio observations of Seyfert galaxies in the extended 12-micron sample - II. The Properties of compact radio components 

      Thean, Andy; Pedlar, Alan; Kukula, Marek; Baum, Stefi; O'Dea, Christopher (Blackwell Publishing, 2001-08)
      We discuss the properties of compact nuclear radio components in Seyfert galaxies from the extended 12 µm AGN sample of Rush et al. (1993). Our main results can be summarised as follows. Type 1 and type 2 Seyferts produce ...
    • High-Speed photographic observation of flow boiling of water in parallel mini-channels 

      Kandlikar, Satish; Steinke, Mark; Tian, Shurong; Campbell, Levi (American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2001-06)
      The use of smaller passage dimensions is becoming more prevalent in flow boiling applications. Passages with hydraulic diameters on the order of 1mm provide higher heat transfer coefficients resulting in more compact ...
    • High-speed photographic observation of flow boiling of water in parallel mini-channels 

      Kandlikar, Satish; Steinke, Mark; Tian, Shurong; Campbell, Levi (American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2001-06)
      The use of smaller passage dimensions is becoming more prevalent in flow boiling applications. Passages with hydraulic diameters on the order of 1mm provide higher heat transfer coefficients resulting in more compact ...