Now showing items 3350-3369 of 10415

    • iron-sulfur centers_1FRD 

      Craig, Paul (2010-05-05)
    • Is affirmative action in university admissions legal, effective, and just? 

      Simone, Albert (2003 05)
      Since 1978, the “Law of the land” has been the decision handed down by Justice Lewis F. Powell, Jr., in Regents of the University of California vs. Bakke. In a 5 to 4 vote, Justice Powell ruled that while quotas are illegal, ...
    • Is your face on Facebook? Well, join the club (the dateline: RIT club that is) 

      Saffran, Michael (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2007-12-21)
    • Isomeric and concentration effects of C4-cosurfactants on four-component microemulsions investigated by neutron spin-echo and small-angle scattering 

      Zambrano, Elvis; Kotlarchyk, Michael; Langner, Andreas; Faraone, Antonio (Institute of Physics and IOP Publishing Limited, 2006-08-24)
      Neutron spin-echo spectroscopy and small-angle scattering measurements were performed to determine how the isomeric structure and concentration of C4-cosurfactants (i.e. butyl alcohols) influence structure and dynamics in ...
    • Isomerization of the predicted beta-D-fructose 6-phosphate 

      Schray, Keith; Waud, John; Howell, Elizabeth (Elsevier: Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 1978-07)
      Phosphomannose isomerase (D-mannose 6-phosphate ketol-isomerase) (EC has been shown to use the predicted beta-D-fructose 6-phosphate as substrate. The fate of alpha-D-fructose 6-phosphate is not determined by these ...
    • The Isomorphism problem for incidence rings 

      Abrams, Gene; Haefner, Jeremy; Del Rio, Angel (University of California, 1999)
      Let P and P’ be finite preordered sets, and let R be a ring for which the number of nonzero summands in a direct decomposition of the regular module RR is bounded. We show that if the incidence rings I(P;R) and I(P’;R) ...
    • Isomorphisms of row and column finite matrix rings 

      Haefner, Jeremy; Del Rio, A.; Simon, J. (American Mathmatical Society, 1997-06)
      This paper investigates the ring-theoretic similarities and the cate- gorical dissimilarities between the ring RFM(R) of row finite matrices and the ring RCFM(R) of row and column finite matrices. For example, we prove ...
    • It takes a library to support distance learners 

      Buehler, Marianne; Dopp, Elizabeth; Hughes, Kerry; Thompson, Jen (The Haworth Press, 2001)
      Wallace Library's philosophy is to create and provide resources and services that will support all users. Consequently, distance learners and distance faculty have a plethora of online resources available to them, some of ...
    • It's grammatical! 

      Stoskopf, Kurt (2000-04-07)
    • It's our secret 

      Bryant, Jessica (2008)
    • IT-supported productivity: paradoxes and resolution in R & D 

      Joseph, Daniel; Ettlie, John (2004)
      Nicholas G. Carr, as editor-at-large for the Harvard Business Review, authored the provocative editorial piece "IT Doesn't Matter" (Carr, 2003). He compared the development of information technology with the development ...
    • Ithaca educator selected as Scouten intern at NTID 

      NTID (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2008-04-03)
      A teacher from Ithaca High School has been selected as the 2008 Scouten Endowed Internship in English Literacy.
    • ITS eNews 

      Bradstreet, Dave; Hawryschuk, Irene; Phillips, Omar; Cometa, Michelle; Woelk, Ben (Information and Technology Services, 2007-06)
    • ITS eNews 

      Mangione, Jack; Abugasea, Christa; Cullen, Donna; Parker, Dianne; Dudarchik, Kevin; Sowers, Kim (Information and Technology Services, 2006-04)
    • ITS news 

      Pecora, Dave; Boyd, Ryan; Cometa, Michelle; Tobin, Dan; Cullen, Donna; Reichman, Jeremy; Parker, Dianne; Buehler, Marianne; Fasse, Richard; Wilkins, Steve; Versace, Fran (Information & Technology Services, 2005-01)
    • ITS news 

      Cullen, Donna; Pecora, Dave; Woelk, Ben; Parker, Dianne; Cometa, Michelle; Hostetter, Dave; Beal, Beth (Information & Technology Services, 2005-03)
    • ITS news 

      Robinson, Shannon; Mangione, Jack; Reichman, Jeremy; Versace, Fran; Naturale, Joan; Conley, Pamela; Parker, Dianne; Petro, John; Cullen, Donna; Polito, Jason; Ziehl, Kristi; Dudarchik, Kevin; Beal, Beth; Pecora, Dave (Information & Technology Services, 2004-10)
    • ITS news 

      Robinson, Shannon; Whiteside, Shawn; Saeva, Patrick; Reichman, Jeremy; Humbert, Joeann; Phillips, Omar; Polito, Jason; Dixon, Tom; Cavallaro, Diane (Information & Technology Services, 2003-11)